Donations are a great way to show your appreciation and support for MPlayer.
On this page we list the donations we have received so far and those that
would help us in our work on MPlayer. If you have a piece of hardware or a
DVD or something whose MPlayer support could be improved, a good way to
achieve this is to donate it to a developer.
You can also make a direct monetary donation through flattr or PayPal.
Note that the PayPal link below leads to one of our
developer's personal PayPal account (this is a temporary solution until we
set up a non-profit organization to handle MPlayer's funds). Your donation will
be clearly marked as a donation to the MPlayer team, so said developer will be
able to sort them out.
Thank you!
- unsupported hardware you need support for
- Coins or small notes from around the world
- Bitcoins - 1Hait21gG9Ldzv5SQL7a78qs2xhh4UTR1c
- Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 or 6 license
- Mini PCI Express 32GB+ SSD drive (must fit in EeePC 901, for example RunCore RCP-IV-S7032-C)
- 2GB, 200-pin SODIMM, DDR2 PC2-5300 memory module (for example this one)
- ARM or PPC hardware capable of running Fedora (Raspberry Pi, *Plug, BeagleBoard or PowerMac G5)
- Fresh patch application monkeys
- any widescreen monitor to improve widescreen support in MPlayer
- M-AUDIO Sonica Theater 7.1 USB sound card
- Some PowerPC hardware suitable for MPlayer debugging -
AltiVec or Mac OS X support are a plus
- hardware player with MTV/AMV/ACT support in order to implement (de)muxing
and decoding/encoding of those formats in FFmpeg/MPlayer (a cheap s1mp3-based
player, like the several you see branded as 'MP4 players' will do)
- multimedia-capable PDA
- fast non-Celeron-based notebook
- external USB hard disk
- Bluetooth capable, GPRS-enabled mobile phone
- fast DVD recorder
- old tech gizmos in working conditions (ask)
The MPlayer Team
- two 9GB and one 18GB SCSI HDD (Gabor Funk)
- IBM 40GB IDE drive as replacement for a failing
drive on the project server (Stefan Seyfried)
- P3-733 server machine (UHU Linux)
- Adaptec PCI SCSI-3 controller for the server (Charlie)
- 2x 36GB 10k RPM SCSI disks (Lupin III)
- Compaq AlphaStation 500u (Horvath "raas" Andras)
- OSS license (4front Technologies)
- CrossOver plugin license (single-user) (CodeWeavers)
- Elphel NC313L network
camera (from vendor)
- domain (Danny Bogaards)
Alban Bedel
- 3 Atlas 9.1GB 10k RPM SCSI disks (Lupin III)
- K6-2 450 (Patrik Båt/Research Electronics AB)
Alex Beregszaszi
- Cirrus Logic CLGD5446 card for VGABIOS development (Jan Knutar)
- USB WiFi dongle (Nico Sabbi)
- numerous accessories (IDE CD-ROM, EDO RAM, CPU coolers, Voodoo 5 5500)
(Rory Hunter)
- IDE CD-ROM, LS120, EDO RAM (Zoltan Czirkos)
- Linux Media Labs LML33R10 (Linux Media Labs)
- DVB card (Zoltan Herpai)
- numerous accessories (WiFi card, 4x SCSI CD-writer, Matrox Mystique,
Voodoo 3 AGP, cables) (Benjamin Larsson)
- Matrox G400MAX DH (a guy from Alaska)
- DXR3, GeForce2MX400, IBM 80GB IDE HDD, Radeon7500 TV-out (UHU Linux)
- train travel to LinuxTag 2003/2004 (Germany) (UHU Linux)
- sleeping place in Germany (Diego Biurrun)
Árpád Gereöffy
- DVD disc with multiple camera angles (Star Wars EP1) (Jeffrey Hammel)
- DVD disc with Closed Captioning (Full Metal Jacket) (Robert R. Wal)
- Pentium2-266 CPU for low-end benchmarking/framedrop code (Gareth Jon)
- Siemens DVB-S 1.3 card (Thilo Wunderlich)
- ATI Rage 128 Pro VGA card (Benjamin Larsson)
- ATI Rage 128 Ultra VGA card (Diego Biurrun)
- 32x SCSI CD-ROM (VCD problems) (Diego Biurrun)
- ATI Mach64 VGA (UHU Linux)
- Matrox G200 VGA (UHU Linux)
- DVD disc: Johny Mnemonic (Csaba Csabai)
- DXR3 (UHU Linux)
- BT878 tuner card (Benjamin Larsson)
- LML-M4 MPEG-4 capturing and hw encoding card (Linux Media Labs)
- 10l Coca Cola (Miklos Erdös)
Attila Kinali
- dual PIII 800 and a laptop during a stay in Japan (Hosoya Masaru)
- PCI Matrox G200 (Jochen Körner)
- Matrox G400 (Rolf Adelsberger)
Diego Biurrun
- power adapter for G4 PowerBook (Alexander Strange)
- PowerBook replacement battery (Kadir Yilanci)
- 2GB USB stick (Fiach Reid / FreebieSMS)
- Mac OS X 10.5 license (Diego Pettenò)
- region-code-free firmware for Matshita UJ-835E DVD drives as found in
February 2005 PowerBooks (ben11)
- Pioneer DVD-103S drive without region code (Nicolai Viol)
- Mac OS X 10.4 license (Tobia Conforto)
- Teac CD-R58S SCSI CD burner (Sami Okasha)
- LWN subscription, 6 months + 12 months
(Joby Joseph), 12 months (Viktor Rasmussen)
Dominik Mierzejewski
- nVidia GeForce FX5950 Ultra (Brian Thomason)
Gábor Bérczi
- 386 board + 386SX/16 (Zoltan Czirkos)
- Tomato 4DPS 486 board (Zoltan Czirkos)
- AMD 5x86-133 (Zoltan Czirkos)
- SoundBlaster 16 (Zoltan Czirkos)
- Gravis UltraSound Classic (Zoltan Czirkos)
- Realtek VGA ISA (Zoltan Czirkos)
- 2 AT power supplies (Zoltan Czirkos)
- Handy scanner (Zoltan Czirkos)
- 2 ARCnet cards (Andras Vatai)
- DVD drive (UHU Linux)
- AMD K6-2 400, VIA MVP3 board, 64Mb RAM (Andreas Best)
- AMD K6, K6-2, 3 Intel 586s (Benjamin Larsson)
- AMD K6-2 450 (Philippe De Swert)
- 6 Intel Pentiums, 1 IBM/Cyrix CPU (Laszlo Balint)
- ASUS GeForce2 MX/400 64Mb (UHU Linux)
- DXR3 (UHU Linux)
- BT878 tuner (Benjamin Larsson)
- 4GB SCSI HDD, controller, cabling (J. Wiklander)
- train travel to LinuxTag 2003 in Germany (UHU Linux)
Guillaume Poirier
Ivan Kalvachev
- SoundBlaster Live! emu10k1 (James Bilotto)
- Hauppauge WinTV BT878 tuner card (Benjamin Larsson)
- SDRAM 2x256MB 133MHz (Ismail Dönmez)
Ivo van Poorten
Michael Niedermayer
- ATI Rage 128 Pro 32MB AGP (Diego Biurrun)
- Kingston KNE-CB4TX 100MBit PC-card (Diego Biurrun)
Nico Sabbi
- Technotrend DVB-S Premium (Alex Beregszaszi)
Reimar Döffinger
- Some SDRAM modules (Alex Beregszaszi)
- WinTV USB and CyberLink remote control (Rafael Gattringer)
- A donation to Xming in my name
Reynaldo H. Verdejo Pinochet
- An ATJ2085 based Chinese MP4 player from the crew who are encouraging the
development of comunity supported tools/firmware to work with these players
Rich Felker
- R2 anime test material DVDs for detear/deblend development (Matt G.)
Zoltán Ponekker
- Palm m505 (Cyrill Meier)
- DVD drive (UHU Linux)
- Radeon 7500 (UHU Linux)
These people donated towards developer travel expenses for LinuxTag.
- Kari Saastamoinen
- John Ingersoll Jr
- Thomas Riedl
- Matthew Phillips
- Conrad Heiney
- MonIDS Research Corporation
- Scott Hurlbert
- Johannes Truschnigg
- Bora Ugurlu
- Tobia Conforto
- Luca Paletta
- Per Christian Henden
- Ed Grether
- Reinhard Wiesemann
- Timothy Bates
- Hiranmoy Easwaran
- Phillip Sanderson
- Sean Jensen-Grey
- Christian Auby
- Andreas Grois
- Peter Österlund
- J David Eisenberg
- Marcin Skoczylas
- Rajesh Sankaran
- Michael Wolz
- Jeff Jacobs
- Paul McGinnis
- Gardner Bickford III
- Daniel Warren
- Joachim Knust
- Clark Mills
- Wolf Duttlinger-Manger
- Sergio Robla Juntunen
- Marcel Meyer
- Ton Ta
- Karl-Heinz Zimmer
- Karl Wagener
- Nicholas Bailey
- Jirka Grunt
- Dan McKay
- Daniel Villarreal
- Zoltan Markella
- David Gobbi
- Thong Nguyen
These people donated for our new project server.
- M. Olivier Nicolas
- Wolfgang Spraul
- Paju Risto-Antti
- Horak Jan
- Henrion Benjamin
- Kyritsoglou Sam
- Pasteleurs Frederic
- Stephane T. Du Pasquier
- Adrian Kollarovic
- Bertrand Haut
- Havasi Ferenc
- Pathy Miklós
- Tamás Zoltán
- Radnóti Tamás
- Burján Gábor
- Sebok István / Dombóvári Anita
- Fleischmann Bonaventura
- Bársony Szabolcs Sándor
- Tóth Balázs
- Radulovic Attila
- Radics Balázs
- Földi Ferenc
- Buzás Nikolett
- Andreas Gockel
- Olivier Croquette
- S. Duhr
- Matthias Simon
- Jan Apel
- Arne Ahrend
- Ulrich Schweitzer
- Thomas Heinrich Huth
- Charles Imbusch
- Martin Lisowski
- Fabian Keil
- Thomas Schfer
- Wolfgang Bauer
- Tobias Martin Burkert
- Stefan Gottwald
- Markus Heule
- Kaspar Baltzer
- Stefan Heimers
- Andreas Stricker
- Michael Heinemeyer
- Nathan Collins
- Ismail Dönmez
- Ivor Hewitt
- Jason Venner
- Guillaume Poirier
- Tom Poliquin
- Joby Joseph
- Michael Grollman
- Masayuki Watanabe
- Sergio Robla
- Steven Buergin
- Kornelis Pieter Boomsma
- Stephane Dupuis
- Jean Francois Vidal
- Mr Vallee
- Evgeny Krevets
- Leigh Giles
- Michael Kedzierski
- Sylvain Prevost
- Guillaume Rizand
- Wolfgang Arendt
- Aaron Williams
- MondoBeyondo, Inc
- Simon Doubleday
- Jamie Dimmel
- Piotr Wajnberg
- A S A Gillespie
- Marco Calf
- Joerg Wolfram
- Kenneth Crudup
- Cybling Systems
- Tabuleiro Producoes
- Jared Klett
- Thomas Bourgain
- Bevis King
- Emir Lallouche
- Michael Carmack
- Jun Adachi
- Martin Jasencuk
- Teruel deCampo
- Jeff Israel
- Vincent Gerard
- Benoit Passion
- Gaëtan Montury
- Chris Weiss
- Christian Elkjaer Kaas
- Jeroen Leijen
- Timothy Murphy
- Nicolas Lussier
- Florian Schmidt
- Edmund Mende
- Benjamin Summers
- Benjamin Holt
- Ken Shim
- Jean-François Morineau
- Petr Grillinger
- Seppo Niemi
- Rida Ait Boufrad
- Jeff Waters (
- Thomas Lienhard
- Neil Simon
- Dany De Bontridder
- Mario Aeby
- Cristian Tena
- Alexandre Bustico
- Vincent Reydet
- Bruno Ethvignot
- Yvan Norsa and Isydor
- Jean-Michel Lacroix
- Mathias Bavay
- Hugo Mercier
- Quentin Anciaux
- Benoît Leudet
- Jean-Baptiste Butet
- Eric Fernandez
- Bernard Lowe
- Lukas Beeler
- Marc Bourdilleau
- Matthieu Bedouet
- Jérôme Herman
- Olivier Cahagne
- Robert Sherwood
- Simon Coxall
- John Kondis
- Jian Li
- Remy Guillemette
- Rene Schmidt
- Marc Coll
- Friedrich Clausen
- Per Graa Karlsen
- Thomas Braun
- Damien Martins
- Bert Driehuis
- Paul Brown
- Riccardo Leguti
- H. Jasper Scholten
- Stephane Martin
- Michel Rodriguez
- Diego Peinador
- Mark Bigler
- Joe Rizzo
- Brian Stretch
- Robert Flesher
- Michael Horan
- JussPress (thanks to RC)
- SLeón, free software interest group/association in León
