rfc9711v4.txt   rfc9711.txt 
skipping to change at line 575 skipping to change at line 575
The top-level CDDL type for CBOR-encoded EATs is EAT-CBOR-Token and The top-level CDDL type for CBOR-encoded EATs is EAT-CBOR-Token and
for JSON-encoded EATs is EAT-JSON-Token (while CDDL and CDDL tools for JSON-encoded EATs is EAT-JSON-Token (while CDDL and CDDL tools
provide enough support for shared definitions of most items in this provide enough support for shared definitions of most items in this
document, they do not provide enough support for this sharing at the document, they do not provide enough support for this sharing at the
top level). top level).
EAT-CBOR-Token = $CBOR-Tagged-Token / $EAT-CBOR-Untagged-Token EAT-CBOR-Token = $CBOR-Tagged-Token / $EAT-CBOR-Untagged-Token
$CBOR-Tagged-Token /= CWT-Tagged-Message $CBOR-Tagged-Token /= CWT-Tagged-Message
$EAT-CBOR-Tagged-Token /= BUNDLE-Tagged-Message $CBOR-Tagged-Token /= BUNDLE-Tagged-Message
$EAT-CBOR-Untagged-Token /= CWT-Untagged-Message $EAT-CBOR-Untagged-Token /= CWT-Untagged-Message
$EAT-CBOR-Untagged-Token /= BUNDLE-Untagged-Message $EAT-CBOR-Untagged-Token /= BUNDLE-Untagged-Message
EAT-JSON-Token = $EAT-JSON-Token-Formats EAT-JSON-Token = $EAT-JSON-Token-Formats
$EAT-JSON-Token-Formats /= JWT-Message $EAT-JSON-Token-Formats /= JWT-Message
$EAT-JSON-Token-Formats /= BUNDLE-Untagged-Message $EAT-JSON-Token-Formats /= BUNDLE-Untagged-Message
4. The Claims 4. The Claims
skipping to change at line 920 skipping to change at line 920
arc that is managed by IANA: iso(1) identified-organization(3) dod(6) arc that is managed by IANA: iso(1) identified-organization(3) dod(6)
internet(1) private(4) enterprise(1). internet(1) private(4) enterprise(1).
For EAT purposes, only the integer value assigned by IANA as the PEN For EAT purposes, only the integer value assigned by IANA as the PEN
is relevant, not the full OID value. is relevant, not the full OID value.
In CBOR, this value MUST be encoded as a major type 0 integer and is In CBOR, this value MUST be encoded as a major type 0 integer and is
typically 3 bytes. In JSON, this value MUST be encoded as a number. typically 3 bytes. In JSON, this value MUST be encoded as a number.
$$Claims-Set-Claims //= ( $$Claims-Set-Claims //= (
oemid-label => oemid-pen / oemid-ieee / oemid-random oemid-label => oemid-type
) )
oemid-type => oemid-pen / oemid-ieee / oemid-random
oemid-pen = int oemid-pen = int
oemid-ieee = JC<oemid-ieee-json, oemid-ieee-cbor> oemid-ieee = JC<oemid-ieee-json, oemid-ieee-cbor>
oemid-ieee-cbor = bstr .size 3 oemid-ieee-cbor = bstr .size 3
oemid-ieee-json = base64-url-text .size 4 oemid-ieee-json = base64-url-text .size 4
oemid-random = JC<oemid-random-json, oemid-random-cbor> oemid-random = JC<oemid-random-json, oemid-random-cbor>
oemid-random-cbor = bstr .size 16 oemid-random-cbor = bstr .size 16
oemid-random-json = base64-url-text .size 24 oemid-random-json = base64-url-text .size 24
skipping to change at line 2745 skipping to change at line 2747
are common and equivalent for the JWT and CWT registries. The "Claim are common and equivalent for the JWT and CWT registries. The "Claim
Key" and "Claim Value Type" fields are for the CWT registry only. Key" and "Claim Value Type" fields are for the CWT registry only.
The "Claim Name" field is as defined for the CWT registry, not the The "Claim Name" field is as defined for the CWT registry, not the
JWT registry. The "JWT Claim Name" field is equivalent to the "Claim JWT registry. The "JWT Claim Name" field is equivalent to the "Claim
Name" field in the JWT registry. Name" field in the JWT registry.
IANA has registered the following claims. IANA has registered the following claims.
Claim Name: Nonce Claim Name: Nonce
Claim Description: Nonce Claim Description: Nonce
JWT Claim Name: "eat_nonce" JWT Claim Name: eat_nonce
Claim Key: 10 Claim Key: 10
Claim Value Type: bstr or array Claim Value Type: bstr or array
Change Controller: IETF Change Controller: IETF
Reference: RFC 9711 Reference: RFC 9711
Claim Name: UEID Claim Name: UEID
Claim Description: Universal Entity ID Claim Description: Universal Entity ID
JWT Claim Name: "ueid" JWT Claim Name: ueid
CWT Claim Key: 256 CWT Claim Key: 256
Claim Value Type: bstr Claim Value Type: bstr
Change Controller: IETF Change Controller: IETF
Reference: RFC 9711 Reference: RFC 9711
Claim Name: SUEIDs Claim Name: SUEIDs
Claim Description: Semipermanent UEIDs Claim Description: Semipermanent UEIDs
JWT Claim Name: "sueids" JWT Claim Name: sueids
CWT Claim Key: 257 CWT Claim Key: 257
Claim Value Type: map Claim Value Type: map
Change Controller: IETF Change Controller: IETF
Reference: RFC 9711 Reference: RFC 9711
Claim Name: Hardware OEM ID Claim Name: Hardware OEM ID
Claim Description: Hardware OEM ID Claim Description: Hardware OEM ID
JWT Claim Name: "oemid" JWT Claim Name: oemid
Claim Key: 258 Claim Key: 258
Claim Value Type: bstr or int Claim Value Type: bstr or int
Change Controller: IETF Change Controller: IETF
Reference: RFC 9711 Reference: RFC 9711
Claim Name: Hardware Model Claim Name: Hardware Model
Claim Description: Model identifier for hardware Claim Description: Model identifier for hardware
JWT Claim Name: "hwmodel" JWT Claim Name: hwmodel
Claim Key: 259 Claim Key: 259
Claim Value Type: bstr Claim Value Type: bstr
Change Controller: IETF Change Controller: IETF
Reference: RFC 9711 Reference: RFC 9711
Claim Name: Hardware Version Claim Name: Hardware Version
Claim Description: Hardware Version Identifier Claim Description: Hardware Version Identifier
JWT Claim Name: "hwversion" JWT Claim Name: hwversion
Claim Key: 260 Claim Key: 260
Claim Value Type: array Claim Value Type: array
Change Controller: IETF Change Controller: IETF
Reference: RFC 9711 Reference: RFC 9711
Claim Name: Uptime Claim Name: Uptime
Claim Description: Uptime Claim Description: Uptime
JWT Claim Name: "uptime" JWT Claim Name: uptime
Claim Key: 261 Claim Key: 261
Claim Value Type: uint Claim Value Type: uint
Change Controller: IETF Change Controller: IETF
Reference: RFC 9711 Reference: RFC 9711
Claim Name: OEM Authorized Boot Claim Name: OEM Authorized Boot
Claim Description: Indicates whether the software booted was OEM Claim Description: Indicates whether the software booted was OEM
authorized authorized
JWT Claim Name: "oemboot" JWT Claim Name: oemboot
Claim Key: 262 Claim Key: 262
Claim Value Type: bool Claim Value Type: bool
Change Controller: IETF Change Controller: IETF
Reference: RFC 9711 Reference: RFC 9711
Claim Name: Debug Status Claim Name: Debug Status
Claim Description: The status of debug facilities Claim Description: The status of debug facilities
JWT Claim Name: "dbgstat" JWT Claim Name: dbgstat
Claim Key: 263 Claim Key: 263
Claim Value Type: uint Claim Value Type: uint
Change Controller: IETF Change Controller: IETF
Reference: RFC 9711 Reference: RFC 9711
Claim Name: Location Claim Name: Location
Claim Description: The geographic location Claim Description: The geographic location
JWT Claim Name: "location" JWT Claim Name: location
Claim Key: 264 Claim Key: 264
Claim Value Type: map Claim Value Type: map
Change Controller: IETF Change Controller: IETF
Reference: RFC 9711 Reference: RFC 9711
Claim Name: EAT Profile Claim Name: EAT Profile
Claim Description: The EAT profile followed Claim Description: The EAT profile followed
JWT Claim Name: "eat_profile" JWT Claim Name: eat_profile
Claim Key: 265 Claim Key: 265
Claim Value Type: uri or oid Claim Value Type: uri or oid
Change Controller: IETF Change Controller: IETF
Reference: RFC 9711 Reference: RFC 9711
Claim Name: Submodules Section Claim Name: Submodules Section
Claim Description: The section containing submodules Claim Description: The section containing submodules
JWT Claim Name: "submods" JWT Claim Name: submods
Claim Key: 266 Claim Key: 266
Claim Value Type: map Claim Value Type: map
Change Controller: IETF Change Controller: IETF
Reference: RFC 9711 Reference: RFC 9711
Claim Name: Boot Count Claim Name: Boot Count
Claim Description: The number of times the entity or submodule has Claim Description: The number of times the entity or submodule has
been booted been booted
JWT Claim Name: "bootcount" JWT Claim Name: bootcount
Claim Key: 267 Claim Key: 267
Claim Value Type: uint Claim Value Type: uint
Change Controller: IETF Change Controller: IETF
Reference: RFC 9711 Reference: RFC 9711
Claim Name: Boot Seed Claim Name: Boot Seed
Claim Description: Identifies a boot cycle Claim Description: Identifies a boot cycle
JWT Claim Name: "bootseed" JWT Claim Name: bootseed
Claim Key: 268 Claim Key: 268
Claim Value Type: bstr Claim Value Type: bstr
Change Controller: IETF Change Controller: IETF
Reference: RFC 9711 Reference: RFC 9711
Claim Name: DLOAs Claim Name: DLOAs
Claim Description: Certifications received as Digital Letters of Claim Description: Certifications received as Digital Letters of
Approval Approval
JWT Claim Name: "dloas" JWT Claim Name: dloas
Claim Key: 269 Claim Key: 269
Claim Value Type: array Claim Value Type: array
Change Controller: IETF Change Controller: IETF
Reference: RFC 9711 Reference: RFC 9711
Claim Name: Software Name Claim Name: Software Name
Claim Description: The name of the software running in the entity Claim Description: The name of the software running in the entity
JWT Claim Name: "swname" JWT Claim Name: swname
Claim Key: 270 Claim Key: 270
Claim Value Type: tstr Claim Value Type: tstr
Change Controller: IETF Change Controller: IETF
Reference: RFC 9711 Reference: RFC 9711
Claim Name: Software Version Claim Name: Software Version
Claim Description: The version of software running in the entity Claim Description: The version of software running in the entity
JWT Claim Name: "swversion" JWT Claim Name: swversion
Claim Key: 271 Claim Key: 271
Claim Value Type: array Claim Value Type: array
Change Controller: IETF Change Controller: IETF
Reference: RFC 9711 Reference: RFC 9711
Claim Name: Software Manifests Claim Name: Software Manifests
Claim Description: Manifests describing the software installed on Claim Description: Manifests describing the software installed on
the entity the entity
JWT Claim Name: "manifests" JWT Claim Name: manifests
Claim Key: 272 Claim Key: 272
Claim Value Type: array Claim Value Type: array
Change Controller: IETF Change Controller: IETF
Reference: RFC 9711 Reference: RFC 9711
Claim Name: Measurements Claim Name: Measurements
Claim Description: Measurements of the software, memory Claim Description: Measurements of the software, memory
configuration, and such on the entity configuration, and such on the entity
JWT Claim Name: "measurements" JWT Claim Name: measurements
Claim Key: 273 Claim Key: 273
Claim Value Type: array Claim Value Type: array
Change Controller: IETF Change Controller: IETF
Reference: RFC 9711 Reference: RFC 9711
Claim Name: Software Measurement Results Claim Name: Software Measurement Results
Claim Description: The results of comparing software measurements to Claim Description: The results of comparing software measurements to
reference values reference values
JWT Claim Name: "measres" JWT Claim Name: measres
Claim Key: 274 Claim Key: 274
Claim Value Type: array Claim Value Type: array
Change Controller: IETF Change Controller: IETF
Reference: RFC 9711 Reference: RFC 9711
Claim Name: Intended Use Claim Name: Intended Use
Claim Description: The intended use of the EAT Claim Description: The intended use of the EAT
JWT Claim Name: "intuse" JWT Claim Name: intuse
Claim Key: 275 Claim Key: 275
Claim Value Type: uint Claim Value Type: uint
Change Controller: IETF Change Controller: IETF
Reference: RFC 9711 Reference: RFC 9711
10.3. UEID URNs Registered by This Document 10.3. UEID URNs Registered by This Document
IANA has registered the following new subtypes in the "DEV URN IANA has registered the following new subtypes in the "DEV URN
Subtypes" registry [IANA.DEV-URNs] under the "Device Identification" Subtypes" registry [IANA.DEV-URNs] under the "Device Identification"
registry group; see [RFC9039]. registry group; see [RFC9039].
 End of changes. 24 change blocks. 
23 lines changed or deleted 25 lines changed or added

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