rfc9707v1.txt   rfc9707.txt 
Internet Architecture Board (IAB) M. Kühlewind Internet Architecture Board (IAB) M. Kühlewind
Request for Comments: 9707 Request for Comments: 9707
Category: Informational D. Dhody Category: Informational D. Dhody
ISSN: 2070-1721 ISSN: 2070-1721
M. Knodel M. Knodel
December 2024 February 2025
IAB Barriers to Internet Access of Services (BIAS) Workshop Report Report from the IAB Workshop on Barriers to Internet Access of Services
Abstract Abstract
The "Barriers to Internet Access of Services (BIAS)" workshop was The "Barriers to Internet Access of Services (BIAS)" workshop was
convened by the Internet Architecture Board (IAB) from January 15-17, convened by the Internet Architecture Board (IAB) from January 15-17,
2024 as a three-day online meeting. Based on the submitted position 2024 as a three-day online meeting. Based on the submitted position
papers, the workshop covered three areas of interest: the role of papers, the workshop covered three areas of interest: the role of
Community Networks in Internet Access of Services, reports and Community Networks in Internet access of services, reports and
comments on the observed digital divide, and measurements of comments on the observed digital divide, and measurements of
censorship and censorship circumvention. This report summarizes the censorship and censorship circumvention. This report summarizes the
workshop's discussions and serves as a reference for reports on the workshop's discussions and serves as a reference for reports on the
current barriers to Internet Access. current barriers to Internet access.
Note that this document is a report on the proceedings of the Note that this document is a report on the proceedings of the
workshop. The views and positions documented in this report were workshop. The views and positions documented in this report were
expressed during the workshop by participants and do not necessarily expressed during the workshop by participants and do not necessarily
reflect the IAB's views and positions. reflect the IAB's views and positions.
Status of This Memo Status of This Memo
This document is not an Internet Standards Track specification; it is This document is not an Internet Standards Track specification; it is
published for informational purposes. published for informational purposes.
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Internet Architecture Board (IAB). Documents approved for Internet Architecture Board (IAB). Documents approved for
publication by the IAB are not candidates for any level of Internet publication by the IAB are not candidates for any level of Internet
Standard; see Section 2 of RFC 7841. Standard; see Section 2 of RFC 7841.
Information about the current status of this document, any errata, Information about the current status of this document, any errata,
and how to provide feedback on it may be obtained at and how to provide feedback on it may be obtained at
https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc9707. https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc9707.
Copyright Notice Copyright Notice
Copyright (c) 2024 IETF Trust and the persons identified as the Copyright (c) 2025 IETF Trust and the persons identified as the
document authors. All rights reserved. document authors. All rights reserved.
This document is subject to BCP 78 and the IETF Trust's Legal This document is subject to BCP 78 and the IETF Trust's Legal
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publication of this document. Please review these documents publication of this document. Please review these documents
carefully, as they describe your rights and restrictions with respect carefully, as they describe your rights and restrictions with respect
to this document. to this document.
Table of Contents Table of Contents
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2.1.1. The Quality of Community Networks 2.1.1. The Quality of Community Networks
2.1.2. Strengthening Community Networks 2.1.2. Strengthening Community Networks
2.1.3. Discussion 2.1.3. Discussion
2.2. Session 2: Digital Divide - Reports and Comments 2.2. Session 2: Digital Divide - Reports and Comments
2.2.1. Disparities in Service Provisioning 2.2.1. Disparities in Service Provisioning
2.2.2. Lack of Consistent Acceptance of Language Scripts 2.2.2. Lack of Consistent Acceptance of Language Scripts
2.2.3. Web Affordability and Inclusiveness 2.2.3. Web Affordability and Inclusiveness
2.2.4. Discussion 2.2.4. Discussion
2.3. Session 3: Censorship - Reports and Circumvention 2.3. Session 3: Censorship - Reports and Circumvention
2.3.1. Censorship Orders, Measurements, and Device Analysis 2.3.1. Censorship Orders, Measurements, and Device Analysis
2.3.2. Use of VPNs for Censorship Circumvents and User 2.3.2. Use of VPNs for Censorship Circumventions and User
Expectations Expectations
2.3.3. Discussion 2.3.3. Discussion
2.4. Key Takeaways 2.4. Key Takeaways
3. IANA Considerations 3. IANA Considerations
4. Informative References 4. Security Considerations
5. Informative References
Appendix A. Position Papers Appendix A. Position Papers
Appendix B. Workshop Participants Appendix B. Workshop Participants
Appendix C. Workshop Program Committee Appendix C. Workshop Program Committee
IAB Members at the Time of Approval IAB Members at the Time of Approval
Acknowledgments Acknowledgments
Authors' Addresses Authors' Addresses
1. Introduction 1. Introduction
The Internet Architecture Board (IAB) holds occasional workshops
designed to consider long-term issues and strategies for the
Internet, and to suggest future directions for the Internet
architecture. This long-term planning function of the IAB is
complementary to the ongoing engineering efforts performed by working
groups of the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF).
The Internet as part of the critical infrastructure affects many The Internet as part of the critical infrastructure affects many
aspects of our society significantly, although it impacts different aspects of our society significantly, although it impacts different
parts of society differently. The Internet is an important tool for parts of society differently. The Internet is an important tool for
reaching the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) listed in [SDGs] reaching the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) listed in [SDGs]
and for globally supporting human rights. Consequently, the lack of and for globally supporting human rights. Consequently, the lack of
meaningful access to digital infrastructure and services is also a meaningful access to digital infrastructure and services is also a
form of disenfranchisement. form of disenfranchisement.
Solely having Internet access is not enough. At the same time as we Solely having Internet access is not enough. At the same time as we
work to connect the next billion people and reduce the digital work to connect the next billion people and reduce the digital
divide, it is also important to understand persistent and novel divide, it is also important to understand persistent and novel
inequalities in the digital age when accessing content and services. inequalities in the digital age when accessing content and services.
There are more and more barriers to meaningful access to the services There are more and more barriers to meaningful access to the services
and applications that run on the Internet. Even if Internet and applications that run on the Internet. Even if Internet
connectivity is available, information and service access may remain connectivity is available, information and service access may remain
challenged and unequal. challenged and unequal.
This IAB workshop aimed to This IAB workshop aimed to
* collect reports about barriers to accessing content and services * collect reports about barriers to accessing content and services
on the Internet, e.g., based on filtering, and blocking as well as on the Internet -- for example, based on filtering or on blocking,
due to general inequality of technological capabilities, like or due to general inequality of technological capabilities, e.g.,
device or protocol limitations. device or protocol limitations.
* help the Internet community get a better understanding of how the * help the Internet community get a better understanding of how the
Internet functions in different parts of the world and which Internet functions in different parts of the world and which
technology or techniques need to be used to gain access to technology or techniques need to be used to gain access to
content. content.
* build an understanding of what "being connected" to the Internet * build an understanding of what "being connected" to the Internet
means: What is the Internet to users? What is needed to be means: What is the Internet to users? What is needed to be
meaningfully connected? What are the minimum requirements to be meaningfully connected? What are the minimum requirements to be
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identified, and the program committee organized paper submissions identified, and the program committee organized paper submissions
into three main themes for each of the three discussion slots. into three main themes for each of the three discussion slots.
During each discussion, those papers were presented sequentially with During each discussion, those papers were presented sequentially with
open discussion held at the end of each day. open discussion held at the end of each day.
2.1. Session 1: Community Networks - Their Role in Internet Access of 2.1. Session 1: Community Networks - Their Role in Internet Access of
Services Services
The first day of the workshop focused on the role of Community The first day of the workshop focused on the role of Community
Networks [RFC7962] as a way to overcome the barriers to Internet Networks [RFC7962] as a way to overcome the barriers to Internet
Access. Community Networks are self-organized networks wholly owned access. Community Networks are self-organized networks wholly owned
by the community and thus provide an alternative mechanism to bring by the community and thus provide an alternative mechanism to bring
connectivity and internet services to those places that lack connectivity and Internet services to those places that lack
commercial interest. commercial interest.
Presentations ranged from highlighting the need for measuring Quality Presentations ranged from highlighting the need for measuring Quality
of Experience (QoE) for Community Networks, to the potential role the of Experience (QoE) for Community Networks, to the potential role the
Content Delivery Network (CDN) can play in Community Networks, to the Content Delivery Network (CDN) can play in Community Networks, to the
role of Satellite Networks, and finally, to the vital role of the role of satellite networks, and finally, to the vital role of the
spectrum in this space. spectrum in this space.
2.1.1. The Quality of Community Networks 2.1.1. The Quality of Community Networks
[MARTINEZ] highlighted the need to address QoE in discussions around [MARTINEZ] highlighted the need to address QoE in discussions around
Community Networks. As a community-driven deployment, the knowledge Community Networks. As a community-driven deployment, the knowledge
and involvement of individuals can vary; therefore, there are no and involvement of individuals can vary; therefore, there are no
guarantees of connectivity or quality of service. There is a need to guarantees of connectivity or quality of service. There is a need to
focus on user expectations and how they translate to measurable focus on user expectations and how they translate to measurable
performance indicators. Further, it asks for better documentation of performance indicators. Further, it asks for better documentation of
best practices in deploying Community Networks as well as careful best practices in deploying Community Networks as well as careful
thought regarding manageability considerations for Community Networks thought regarding manageability considerations for Community Networks
in protocol development. [GUIFI] as an example Community Network was in protocol development. [GUIFI] as an example Community Network was
discussed, and some existing resources for Community Networks [APC] discussed, and some existing resources for Community Networks [APC]
[ISOC] [TBB] were shared by the participants. [ISOC] [TBB] were shared by the participants.
The inconsistent quality and performance of Satellite Internet result The inconsistent quality and performance of satellite Internet result
in a connectivity gap for Community Networks that rely on non- in a connectivity gap for Community Networks that rely on non-
terrestrial networks (NTNs) for internet access [HU]. terrestrial networks (NTNs) for Internet access [HU].
2.1.2. Strengthening Community Networks 2.1.2. Strengthening Community Networks
[BENSON] focused on the prohibitive cost of transit and Internet [BENSON] focused on the prohibitive cost of transit and Internet
services for Community Networks and argued for CDNs to provide services for Community Networks and argued for CDNs to provide
transit-like and Internet services, at no more than at-cost, in a transit-like and Internet services, at no more than at-cost, in a
mutually beneficial way. Community Networks still need backhaul to mutually beneficial way. Community Networks still need backhaul to
and from the CDN's point of presence, and models for community- and from the CDN's point of presence, and models for community-
backhaul and open-source CDNs were highlighted. Discussion included backhaul and open-source CDNs were highlighted. Discussion included
the status of Project PANGEA [PANGEA] as well as legal and commercial the status of Project PANGEA [PANGEA] as well as legal and commercial
considerations related to such use of CDNs. considerations related to such use of CDNs.
[HU] highlighted that Satellite Internet provided by advanced low- [HU] highlighted that satellite Internet provided by advanced low-
Earth orbit (LEO) satellite constellations can play a pivotal role in Earth orbit (LEO) satellite constellations can play a pivotal role in
closing the connectivity gap in the urban-rural digital divide via closing the connectivity gap in the urban-rural digital divide via
Satellite-dependent Community Networks. These existing known satellite-dependent Community Networks. These existing known
performance and management gaps need to be focused on, to enable performance and management gaps need to be focused on, to enable
Satellite Internet to resolve the divide. Further, research satellite Internet to resolve the divide. Further, research
directions such as multi-layer satellite networking, autonomous directions such as multi-layer satellite networking, autonomous
maintenance, and integration between terrestrial networks and NTNs maintenance, and integration between terrestrial networks and NTNs
were suggested. were suggested.
[RENNO] called attention to the coveted 6 GHz (part of the C-band [RENNO] called attention to the coveted 6 GHz (part of the C-band
with a desirable mix of coverage and capacity) as a prime choice for with a desirable mix of coverage and capacity) as a prime choice for
International Mobile Telecommunication (IMT) for 5G technology while International Mobile Telecommunication (IMT) for 5G technology while
it is in common unlicensed use in Community Networks (and small it is in common unlicensed use in Community Networks (and small
ISPs). Spectrum allocations directly impact industries and market ISPs). Spectrum allocations directly impact industries and market
access with ramifications for Community Networks. Further, there was access with ramifications for Community Networks. Further, there was
a discussion on geopolitical tensions because of it. a discussion on geopolitical tensions regarding the use of unlicensed
spectrum and commercial interest in new spectrum usage.
2.1.3. Discussion 2.1.3. Discussion
How can the technical community address the management gaps and How can the technical community address the management gaps and
improve best practices for Community Networks? Is the increasing improve best practices for Community Networks? Is the increasing
complexity of the Internet making it more challenging to establish complexity of the Internet making it more challenging to establish
secure connections, and should this be taken into account in the secure connections, and should this be taken into account in the
design of the Internet? What steps need to be taken to make sure design of the Internet? What steps need to be taken to make sure
Community Networks are secure? Should manageability considerations Community Networks are secure? Should manageability considerations
be expanded to explicitly consider Community Networks? The Global be expanded to explicitly consider Community Networks? The Global
Access to the Internet for All (GAIA) Research Group [GAIA] could be Access to the Internet for All (GAIA) Research Group [GAIA] could be
a venue for further discussion and research. Further discussion a venue for further discussion and research. Further discussion
highlighted the need for readily available knowledge and tools for highlighted the need for readily available knowledge and tools for
Community Networks as well as the tussle with market forces when Community Networks as well as the tussle with market forces when
commercial networks compete with Community Networks. Also, there is commercial networks compete with Community Networks. Also, there is
a lack of operational inputs from Community Network operators in the a lack of operational inputs from Community Network operators in the
2.2. Session 2: Digital Divide - Reports and Comments 2.2. Session 2: Digital Divide - Reports and Comments
Critical internet infrastructure affects many aspects of our society Critical Internet infrastructure affects many aspects of our society
significantly, although differently, the inequitable aspects of which significantly, although it impacts different parts of society
are typically referred to as "digital inclusion" signifying that in differently. The inequitable aspects are typically referred to as
efforts to digitalize society, there are those left out due to what "digital inclusion"; these aspects signify that in efforts to
is typically called the "digital divide", a related term specific to digitalize society, there are those left out due to what is typically
access to the Internet. These concepts together demonstrate that called the "digital divide", a related term specific to access to the
even if Internet connectivity is available, for some there will Internet. These concepts together demonstrate that even if Internet
remain challenges towards achieving equality. This becomes connectivity is available, for some there will remain challenges
especially significant as governments view the Internet as an towards achieving equality. This becomes especially significant as
important tool for helping them reach the SDGs listed in [SDGs] and governments view the Internet as an important tool for helping them
for globally supporting human rights. reach the SDGs listed in [SDGs] and for globally supporting human
The second day of workshops was essential to understanding the nature The second day of workshops was essential to understanding the nature
of the digital divide. Presentations of reports interrogated at of the digital divide. Presentations of reports interrogated at
least three key aspects of the digital divide, though it is least three key aspects of the digital divide, though it is
recognized that there may be more technical aspects of the digital recognized that there may be more technical aspects of the digital
divide that were not present. Those were differences between divide that were not addressed. The three aspects presented and
population demographics in the provision of online resources by discussed were differences between population demographics in the
governments, inequality in the use of multilingualized domains and provision of online resources by governments, inequality in the use
email addresses, and increased costs for end-user downloads of of multilingualized domains and email addresses, and increased costs
contemporary websites' sizes. for end-user downloads from websites of contemporary sizes.
2.2.1. Disparities in Service Provisioning 2.2.1. Disparities in Service Provisioning
Ralph Holz presented research that exposes the more limited DNS- Ralph Holz presented research that exposes the more limited DNS-
mediated access to government websites by Indigenous communities in mediated access to government websites by Indigenous communities in
Australia as compared to less disadvantaged users in the same Australia as compared to less disadvantaged users in the same
population in "Evidence for a digital divide? Measuring DNS population in "Evidence for a digital divide? Measuring DNS
dependencies in the context of the indigenous population of dependencies in the context of the indigenous population of
Australia" [HOLZ]. DNS dependency trends were analyzed between two Australia" [HOLZ]. DNS dependency trends were analyzed between two
lists of domains serving Australian government sites for Indigenous lists of domains serving Australian government sites for Indigenous
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2.2.2. Lack of Consistent Acceptance of Language Scripts 2.2.2. Lack of Consistent Acceptance of Language Scripts
On the topic of availability of Internet services and content in On the topic of availability of Internet services and content in
multiple languages, "Universal Acceptance of Domain Names and Email multiple languages, "Universal Acceptance of Domain Names and Email
Addresses: A Key to Digital Inclusion" was presented by Sarmad Addresses: A Key to Digital Inclusion" was presented by Sarmad
Hussain of ICANN [HUSSAIN]. The ICANN community has increased the Hussain of ICANN [HUSSAIN]. The ICANN community has increased the
options for multilingual identifiers through the expansion of the options for multilingual identifiers through the expansion of the
Internet's DNS for use in domains and email addresses. However, Internet's DNS for use in domains and email addresses. However,
while the work of technical specifications and policy recommendations while the work of technical specifications and policy recommendations
is complete, much work remains to deploy a multilingualized internet. is complete, much work remains to deploy a multilingualized Internet.
Today, there are around 150 internationalized domain names (IDNs), Today, there are around 150 internationalized domain names (IDNs),
but equal rollout of these scripts at the domain level is hindered but equal rollout of these scripts at the domain level is hindered
primarily by software and applications that do not yet recognize primarily by software and applications that do not yet recognize
these new scripts. "Universal Acceptance" is a program of action for these new scripts. "Universal Acceptance" is a program of action for
the internet community at large that can ensure that IDNs are the Internet community at large that can ensure that IDNs are
accepted and treated consistently. accepted and treated consistently.
2.2.3. Web Affordability and Inclusiveness 2.2.3. Web Affordability and Inclusiveness
In "A Framework for Improving Web Affordability and Inclusiveness", In "A Framework for Improving Web Affordability and Inclusiveness",
Rumaisa Habib presented research on the connection between website Rumaisa Habib presented research on the connection between website
size and cost to end users [HABIB]. This critical inquiry presents size and cost to end users [HABIB]. This critical inquiry presents
access in terms of affordability and through measurement demonstrates access in terms of affordability and through measurement demonstrates
that the material costs to end users who pay for their connection that the material costs to end users who pay for their connection
based on the volume of data they download and upload have risen as based on the volume of data they download and upload have risen as
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often a challenge at the technical level and a role for more diverse often a challenge at the technical level and a role for more diverse
stakeholders at the more local level. stakeholders at the more local level.
2.3. Session 3: Censorship - Reports and Circumvention 2.3. Session 3: Censorship - Reports and Circumvention
This session focused on reports of censorship as observed in recent This session focused on reports of censorship as observed in recent
years in different parts of the world; it also focused on the use of, years in different parts of the world; it also focused on the use of,
and expectations for, censorship circumvention tools, mainly the use and expectations for, censorship circumvention tools, mainly the use
of secure VPN services. of secure VPN services.
The censorship reports, with a focus on Asia, and specifically India, The censorship reports highlighted legal frameworks and court actions
as well as Russia, as an example where censorship has changed that put legal obligations on regional network providers to block
significantly recently, discussed the legal frameworks and court traffic. The discussion focused on Asia, specifically India, and
actions that put legal obligations on regional network providers to included Russia as an example where censorship practices have
block traffic. Further, measurements to validate the blocking as recently undergone significant changes. Further, measurements to
well as analyses of how blocking is implemented were discussed, i.e., validate the blocking as well as analyses of how blocking is
which protocols are used but also which kinds of devices are used to implemented were discussed, i.e., which protocols are used but also
configure the blocking rules and where they are deployed. which kinds of devices are used to configure the blocking rules and
where they are deployed.
2.3.1. Censorship Orders, Measurements, and Device Analysis 2.3.1. Censorship Orders, Measurements, and Device Analysis
[SAMSUDIN] reported on confirmed blocking from 10 countries [SAMSUDIN] reported on confirmed blocking from 10 countries
(Cambodia, Hong Kong (China), India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Myanmar, (Cambodia, Hong Kong (China), India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Myanmar,
Philippines, Thailand, Timor-Leste, and Vietnam) in the period from 1 Philippines, Thailand, Timor-Leste, and Vietnam) in the period from 1
July 2022 to 30 June 2023. The blocking was either confirmed by Open July 2022 to 30 June 2023. The blocking was confirmed by (1) Open
Observatory of Network Interference (OONI) measurements for existing Observatory of Network Interference (OONI) measurements for existing
blocking fingerprints, heuristics, i.e., for new blocking blocking fingerprints, (2) heuristics (i.e., for new blocking
fingerprints as well as news reports of blocking orders, or user fingerprints as well as news reports of blocking orders), or (3) user
experiences. Most of these countries block specific content such as experiences. Most of these countries block specific content such as
porn, gambling, or certain news pages. Interestingly, the blocking porn, gambling, or certain news pages. Interestingly, the blocking
in Hong Kong and Myanmar is focused on the military and governmental in Hong Kong and Myanmar is focused on the military and governmental
pages of foreign countries. Blocking is often realized by either DNS pages of foreign countries. Blocking is often realized by either DNS
tampering or HTTP tampering. For DNS, either a chosen IP address, a tampering or HTTP tampering. For DNS, either a chosen IP address, a
bogon IP address (, or an empty domain (NXDOMAIN) is used. bogon IP address (e.g.,, or an empty domain (NXDOMAIN) is
In the case of DNS tampering using a chosen IP address or HTTP used. In the case of DNS tampering using a chosen IP address or HTTP
tampering, some countries provide a block page that exposes the tampering, some countries provide a block page that exposes the
blocking; however, more transparency related to blocking is requested blocking; however, more transparency related to blocking is requested
by civil society organizations and the Internet Monitoring Action by civil society organizations and the Internet Monitoring Action
Project (iMAP). Project (iMAP).
[GROVER] further focused the discussion on online censorship in [GROVER] further focused the discussion on online censorship in
India, Pakistan, and Indonesia. In India, where providers are India, Pakistan, and Indonesia. In India, where providers are
responsible for implementing the blocking but no method is mandated, responsible for implementing the blocking but no method is mandated,
the six major ISPs (covering 98.82% of all subscribers) were tested the six major ISPs (covering 98.82% of all subscribers) were tested
on 4379 blocked websites (based on court orders, user reports, and on 4379 blocked websites (based on court orders, user reports, and
publicly available or leaked government orders) on DNS poisoning/ publicly available or leaked government orders) by using DNS
injection or HTTP/SNI-based censorship. The censorship techniques poisoning/injection or using censorship based on HTTP or the Server
used and websites blocked were different across ISPs. Multiple ISPs Name Indication (SNI). The censorship techniques used and websites
used two different techniques (depending on the website), and all but blocked were different across ISPs. Multiple ISPs used two different
one provided censorship notices. Providers blocked between 1892 and techniques (depending on the website), and all but one provided
3721 (of 4379) pages with only 1115 pages (27.64%) blocked by all censorship notices. Providers blocked between 1892 and 3721 (of
ISPs [Singh2020]. In contrast, in Pakistan, the government can also 4379) pages with only 1115 pages (27.64%) blocked by all ISPs
order the ISPs to perform blocking, and blocking has even been [Singh2020].
observed in the past at the Internet Exchange Point (IXP) level.
Since 2020, there has also been a central Web Monitoring System In contrast, in Pakistan, the government can also order the ISPs to
deployed at lines of international connectivity. In Indonesia, perform blocking, and blocking has even been observed in the past at
initially, the government guided ISPs in how to perform the blocking. the Internet Exchange Point (IXP) level. Since 2020, there has also
The regulations were updated in 2020 to allow Indonesian ISPs to been a central Web Monitoring System deployed at lines of
block websites at their discretion. In 2022, there was a proposal by international connectivity. In Indonesia, initially, the government
ISPs to centralize DNS. In Indonesia, a partial blocklist is guided ISPs in how to perform the blocking. The regulations were
publicly available, but without any indication of why something is updated in 2020 to allow Indonesian ISPs to block websites at their
blocked [Grover2023]. discretion. In 2022, there was a proposal by ISPs to centralize DNS.
In Indonesia, a partial blocklist is publicly available, but without
any indication of why something is blocked [Grover2023].
[BASSO] reported that for Russia a large increase in additions to [BASSO] reported that for Russia a large increase in additions to
Roskomnadzor's blocklist was observed in March 2022 as well as in Roskomnadzor's blocklist was observed in March 2022 as well as in
December 2022, foremost covering news pages but also covering human December 2022, foremost covering news pages but also covering human
rights organizations and social media, where more than 3500 blocking rights organizations and social media, where more than 3500 blocking
orders were added to the list by an "Unknown body". Further, orders were added to the list by an "Unknown body". Further,
blocking of domains that are not in the official Roskomnadzor blocking of domains that are not in the official Roskomnadzor
blocklist has been observed as well. blocklist has been observed as well.
An invited talk included a presentation of the work in [WANG] on An invited talk included a presentation of the work in [WANG] on
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they could identify a set of commercial network devices (with they could identify a set of commercial network devices (with
filtering techniques such as firewalls) that are used in these filtering techniques such as firewalls) that are used in these
countries for censorship and show how fuzzing can be used to countries for censorship and show how fuzzing can be used to
fingerprint and cluster behaviors as well as potentially circumvent fingerprint and cluster behaviors as well as potentially circumvent
the deployed methods. the deployed methods.
All speakers called for more transparency by requiring blocking All speakers called for more transparency by requiring blocking
messages as well as publication and auditing of blocklists. messages as well as publication and auditing of blocklists.
Potentially, even standardization could help. Potentially, even standardization could help.
2.3.2. Use of VPNs for Censorship Circumvents and User Expectations 2.3.2. Use of VPNs for Censorship Circumventions and User Expectations
Further on in the session, the possibility and prevalence of using Further on in the session, the possibility and prevalence of using
VPNs for circumvention were discussed, including user expectations VPNs for circumvention were discussed, including user expectations
and an analysis of security shortcomings of commercial VPN services. and an analysis of security shortcomings of commercial VPN services.
The analysis presented in [RAMESH] has shown various problems that The analysis presented in [RAMESH-1] highlights various issues that
lead to data leaks such as leakage of IPv6 traffic, non-browser lead to data leaks -- such as the leakage of IPv6 traffic, non-
traffic, or tunnel failure, not upholding user expectations, browser traffic, or failures in tunneling -- resulting in a failure
especially when used in authoritarian regimes for censorship to meet user expectations, particularly in scenarios involving
circumvention or private communication. censorship circumvention or private communication in authoritarian
The question of how common the use of VPNs for circumvention is and The question of how common the use of VPNs for circumvention is and
its legal implications, as VPNs are illegal in a few countries, was its legal implications, as VPNs are illegal in a few countries, was
discussed. For example, VPNs are not officially banned in India, but discussed. For example, VPNs are not officially banned in India, but
VPN providers need to store log data and those who haven't complied VPN providers need to store log data and those who haven't complied
stopped serving India. However, more data on VPN use and blocking stopped serving India. However, more data on VPN use and blocking
might be needed. might be needed.
2.3.3. Discussion 2.3.3. Discussion
After all, there is a cat-and-mouse game between censors and After all, there is a cat-and-mouse game between censorship and
circumvents; however, continued work on protocol enhancements that circumvention; however, continued work on protocol enhancements that
protect user privacy is essential. protect user privacy is essential.
2.4. Key Takeaways 2.4. Key Takeaways
Some key takeaways from the workshop are as follows: Some key takeaways from the workshop are as follows:
* There is a need for the technical community to address the * There is a need for the technical community to address the
management gaps in operating Community Networks. management gaps in operating Community Networks.
* Work should be done to document best practices for operating * Work should be done to document best practices for operating
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Research Group (MAPRG), based on relevance to the research group. Research Group (MAPRG), based on relevance to the research group.
Management-related and operations-related discussions can be taken Management-related and operations-related discussions can be taken
to the IETF Operations and Management Area Working Group (OPSAWG). to the IETF Operations and Management Area Working Group (OPSAWG).
The community could also explore whether a group focused on The community could also explore whether a group focused on
censorship (and its circumvention) could be created. censorship (and its circumvention) could be created.
3. IANA Considerations 3. IANA Considerations
This document has no IANA actions. This document has no IANA actions.
4. Informative References 4. Security Considerations
This document is a workshop report and does not impact the security
of the Internet.
5. Informative References
[APC] "The Association for Progressive Communications (APC)", [APC] "The Association for Progressive Communications (APC)",
<https://www.apc.org/>. <https://www.apc.org/>.
[BASSO] Basso, S., "How Internet censorship changed in Russia [BASSO] Basso, S., "How Internet censorship changed in Russia
during the 1st year of military conflict in Ukraine", during the 1st year of military conflict in Ukraine",
January 2024, <https://datatracker.ietf.org/meeting/ January 2024, <https://datatracker.ietf.org/meeting/
interim-2024-biasws-03/materials/slides-interim-2024- interim-2024-biasws-03/materials/slides-interim-2024-
biasws-03-sessa-slide-how-internet-censorship-changed-in- biasws-03-sessa-slide-how-internet-censorship-changed-in-
russia-during-the-1st-year-of-military-conflict-in- russia-during-the-1st-year-of-military-conflict-in-
skipping to change at line 547 skipping to change at line 567
[ISOC] Internet Society, "Connecting the Unconnected: Community [ISOC] Internet Society, "Connecting the Unconnected: Community
networks help bridge the connectivity gap", networks help bridge the connectivity gap",
<https://www.internetsociety.org/action-plan/community- <https://www.internetsociety.org/action-plan/community-
networks/>. networks/>.
[MARTINEZ] Martínez-Cervantes, L. M. and R. Guevara-Martínez, [MARTINEZ] Martínez-Cervantes, L. M. and R. Guevara-Martínez,
"Community Networks and the Quest for Quality", January "Community Networks and the Quest for Quality", January
2024, <https://www.ietf.org/slides/slides-biasws- 2024, <https://www.ietf.org/slides/slides-biasws-
community-networks-and-the-quest-for-quality-00.pdf>. community-networks-and-the-quest-for-quality-00.pdf>.
[OHLSEN] Ohlsen, L.Y., "BIAS workshop - M-Lab Position Paper
submission", December 2024, <https://www.ietf.org/slides/
[OTT] Ott, J., Bartolomeo, G., Bese, M.M., Bose, R., Bosk, M.,
Guzman, D., Kärkkäinen, L., Kosek, M., Mohan, N., Trossen,
D., Welzl, M., and L. Vogel, "The Internet: Only for the
Fast?", January 2024, <https://www.ietf.org/slides/slides-
[PANGEA] Cloudflare, "Project Pangea: Helping underserved [PANGEA] Cloudflare, "Project Pangea: Helping underserved
communities expand access to the Internet for free", communities expand access to the Internet for free",
<https://www.cloudflare.com/en-gb/pangea/>. <https://www.cloudflare.com/en-gb/pangea/>.
[RAMESH] Ramesh, R., "Investigating the VPN Ecosystem through the [RAMESH-1] Ramesh, R., "Investigating the VPN Ecosystem through the
lens of Security, Privacy, and Usability", January 2024, lens of Security, Privacy, and Usability", January 2024,
<https://datatracker.ietf.org/meeting/interim-2024-biasws- <https://datatracker.ietf.org/meeting/interim-2024-biasws-
03/materials/slides-interim-2024-biasws-03-sessa- 03/materials/slides-interim-2024-biasws-03-sessa-
investigating-the-vpn-ecosystem-through-the-lens-of- investigating-the-vpn-ecosystem-through-the-lens-of-
security-privacy-and-usability-00>. security-privacy-and-usability-00>.
[RAMESH-2] Ramesh, R., Vyas, A., and R. Ensafi, ""All of them claim
to be the best": Multi-perspective study of VPN users and
VPN providers", 32nd USENIX Security Symposium (USENIX
Security '23, August 2023,
[RENNO] Rennó, R., "Maximising Connectivity: The Spectrum's Vital [RENNO] Rennó, R., "Maximising Connectivity: The Spectrum's Vital
Role in Technology Access", January 2024, Role in Technology Access", January 2024,
<https://www.ietf.org/slides/slides-biasws-position-paper- <https://www.ietf.org/slides/slides-biasws-position-paper-
by-raquel-renno-01.pdf>. by-raquel-renno-01.pdf>.
[RFC7962] Saldana, J., Ed., Arcia-Moret, A., Braem, B., [RFC7962] Saldana, J., Ed., Arcia-Moret, A., Braem, B.,
Pietrosemoli, E., Sathiaseelan, A., and M. Zennaro, Pietrosemoli, E., Sathiaseelan, A., and M. Zennaro,
"Alternative Network Deployments: Taxonomy, "Alternative Network Deployments: Taxonomy,
Characterization, Technologies, and Architectures", Characterization, Technologies, and Architectures",
RFC 7962, DOI 10.17487/RFC7962, August 2016, RFC 7962, DOI 10.17487/RFC7962, August 2016,
skipping to change at line 585 skipping to change at line 622
[SDGs] United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs - [SDGs] United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs -
Sustainable Development, "The 17 Goals", Sustainable Development, "The 17 Goals",
<https://sdgs.un.org/goals>. <https://sdgs.un.org/goals>.
[Singh2020] [Singh2020]
Singh, K., Grover, G., and V. Bansal, "How India Censors Singh, K., Grover, G., and V. Bansal, "How India Censors
the Web", WebSci '20: Proceedings of the 12th ACM the Web", WebSci '20: Proceedings of the 12th ACM
Conference on Web Science, pp. 21-28, Conference on Web Science, pp. 21-28,
DOI 10.1145/3394231.3397891, July 2020, DOI 10.1145/3394231.3397891, July 2020,
<https://dl.acm.org/doi/abs/10.1145/3394231.3397891>. <https://arxiv.org/pdf/1912.08590>.
[TBB] "Tribal Broadband Bootcamp", [TBB] "Tribal Broadband Bootcamp",
<https://tribalbroadbandbootcamp.org/>. <https://tribalbroadbandbootcamp.org/>.
[WANG] Raman, R. S., Wang, M., Dalek, J., Mayer, J., and R. [WANG] Raman, R. S., Wang, M., Dalek, J., Mayer, J., and R.
Ensafi, "Network Measurement Methods for Locating and Ensafi, "Network Measurement Methods for Locating and
Examining Censorship Devices", November 2023, Examining Censorship Devices", November 2023,
<https://datatracker.ietf.org/meeting/interim-2024-biasws- <https://datatracker.ietf.org/meeting/interim-2024-biasws-
03/materials/slides-interim-2024-biasws-03-sessa-network- 03/materials/slides-interim-2024-biasws-03-sessa-network-
measurement-methods-for-locating-and-examining-censorship- measurement-methods-for-locating-and-examining-censorship-
devices-00.pdf>. devices-00.pdf>.
Appendix A. Position Papers Appendix A. Position Papers
Nineteen position papers were submitted to the workshop call for Nineteen position papers were submitted to the workshop call for
papers. Eleven were selected for publication. Papers that were not papers. Twelve were selected for publication. Papers that were not
published either (1) only provided a very prelimited analysis of an published either (1) only provided a very prelimited analysis of an
idea that was felt to be incomprehensive for discussion at the idea that was felt to be incomprehensive for discussion at the
workshop or (2) addressed problems that were considered "beyond workshop or (2) addressed problems that were considered beyond the
scope" as dedicated for the workshop discussion, e.g., discussing scope as dedicated for the workshop discussion, e.g., discussing
cybersecurity threats as a barrier to participation or implication of cybersecurity threats as a barrier to participation or implication of
technology in a regulation that imposes blocking. Both of these technology in a regulation that imposes blocking. Both of these
topics pose a potentially severe risk for the open Internet; however, topics pose a potentially severe risk for the open Internet; however,
these risks might pose a high risk for all Internet users but do not they might pose a high risk for all Internet users but do not
necessarily imply an unbalance. necessarily imply an unbalance.
All accepted papers are available at All accepted papers are available at
<https://datatracker.ietf.org/group/biasws/materials/>. <https://datatracker.ietf.org/group/biasws/materials/>.
This is the list of all published papers: This is the list of all published papers:
Community Networks: Community Networks:
* Martínez-Cervantes, L. M. and R. Guevara-Martínez: Community * Martínez-Cervantes, L. M. and R. Guevara-Martínez: Community
skipping to change at line 645 skipping to change at line 682
of the indigenous population of Australia [HOLZ] of the indigenous population of Australia [HOLZ]
* Hussain, S.: Universal Acceptance of Domain Names and Email * Hussain, S.: Universal Acceptance of Domain Names and Email
Addresses: A Key to Digital Inclusion [HUSSAIN] Addresses: A Key to Digital Inclusion [HUSSAIN]
* Habib, R., Tanveer, S., Inam, A., Ahmed, H., Ali, A., Uzmi, Z. A., * Habib, R., Tanveer, S., Inam, A., Ahmed, H., Ali, A., Uzmi, Z. A.,
Qazi, Z. A., and I. A. Qazi: A Framework for Improving Web Qazi, Z. A., and I. A. Qazi: A Framework for Improving Web
Affordability and Inclusiveness [HABIB] Affordability and Inclusiveness [HABIB]
* Ott, J., Bartolomeo, G., Bese, M.M., Bose, R., Bosk, M., Guzman, * Ott, J., Bartolomeo, G., Bese, M.M., Bose, R., Bosk, M., Guzman,
D., Kärkkäinen, L., Kosek, M., and N. Mohan: The Internet: Only D., Kärkkäinen, L., Kosek, M., Mohan, N., Trossen, D., Welzl, M.,
for the Fast (and Furious)? and L. Vogel: The Internet: Only for the Fast? [OTT]
* Ohlsen, L.Y.: BIAS workshop - M-Lab Position Paper submission * Ohlsen, L.Y.: BIAS workshop - M-Lab Position Paper submission
Censorship: Censorship:
* Samsudin, S.: iMAP (Internet Monitoring Action Project) 2023 * Samsudin, S.: iMAP (Internet Monitoring Action Project) 2023
Internet Censorship Report [SAMSUDIN] Internet Censorship Report [SAMSUDIN]
* Grover, G.: The infrastructure of censorship in Asia [Grover2023] * Grover, G.: The infrastructure of censorship in Asia [Grover2023]
* Basso, S.: How Internet censorship changed in Russia during the * Basso, S.: How Internet censorship changed in Russia during the
1st year of military conflict in Ukraine [BASSO] 1st year of military conflict in Ukraine [BASSO]
In addition to the submitted papers, two invited talks were included, In addition to the submitted papers, two invited talks were included,
based on published papers: based on published papers:
* Raman, R. S., Wang, M., Dalek, J., Mayer, J., and R. Ensafi: * Raman, R. S., Wang, M., Dalek, J., Mayer, J., and R. Ensafi:
Network Measurement Methods for Locating and Examining Censorship Network Measurement Methods for Locating and Examining Censorship
Devices [WANG] Devices [WANG]
* Ramesh, R., Vyas, A., and R. Ensafi: "All of them claim to be the * Ramesh, R., Vyas, A., and R. Ensafi: "All of them claim to be the
best": Multi-perspective study of VPN users and VPN providers best": Multi-perspective study of VPN users and VPN providers
Appendix B. Workshop Participants Appendix B. Workshop Participants
The workshop participants were Arnaud Taddei, Carlos Pignataro, The workshop participants were Arnaud Taddei, Carlos Pignataro,
Carsten Bormann, Cindy Morgan, Colin Perkins, Cory Myers, Dan Sexton, Carsten Bormann, Cindy Morgan, Colin Perkins, Cory Myers, Dan Sexton,
David Guzman, David Millman, David Schinazi, Dhruv Dhody, Gurshabad David Guzman, David Millman, David Schinazi, Dhruv Dhody, Gurshabad
Grover, Hanna Kreitem, Jane Coffin, Jiankang Yao, Jörg Ott, Juan Grover, Hanna Kreitem, Jane Coffin, Jiankang Yao, Jörg Ott, Juan
Peirano, Lai Yi Ohlsen, Luis Martinez, Mallory Knodel, Marwan Fayed, Peirano, Lai Yi Ohlsen, Luis Martinez, Mallory Knodel, Marwan Fayed,
Matthew Bocci, Michael Welzl, Michuki Mwangi, Mirja Kühlewind, Mona Matthew Bocci, Michael Welzl, Michuki Mwangi, Mirja Kühlewind, Mona
Wang, Peng Hu, Ralph Holz, Raquel Rennó, Reethika Ramesh, Rumaisa Wang, Peng Hu, Ralph Holz, Raquel Rennó, Reethika Ramesh, Rumaisa
skipping to change at line 693 skipping to change at line 732
Appendix C. Workshop Program Committee Appendix C. Workshop Program Committee
The workshop program committee members were Christopher Wood (IAB, The workshop program committee members were Christopher Wood (IAB,
Cloudflare), Dhruv Dhody (IAB, Huawei), Mallory Knodel (IAB, Center Cloudflare), Dhruv Dhody (IAB, Huawei), Mallory Knodel (IAB, Center
for Democracy and Technology), Mirja Kühlewind (IAB, Ericsson), and for Democracy and Technology), Mirja Kühlewind (IAB, Ericsson), and
Tommy Pauly (IAB, Apple). Tommy Pauly (IAB, Apple).
IAB Members at the Time of Approval IAB Members at the Time of Approval
Internet Architecture Board members at the time this document was Internet Architecture Board members at the time this document was
approved for publication were: TODO approved for publication were:
Matthew Bocci
Alissa Cooper
Roman Danyliw
Dhruv Dhody
Wes Hardaker
Cullen Jennings
Suresh Krishnan
Mirja Kühlewind
Tommy Pauly
Alvaro Retana
David Schinazi
Christopher Wood
Qin Wu
Acknowledgments Acknowledgments
Thanks to Arnaud Taddei for helpful suggestions to improve this Thanks to Arnaud Taddei for helpful suggestions to improve this
report. report.
Authors' Addresses Authors' Addresses
Mirja Kühlewind Mirja Kühlewind
Email: ietf@kuehlewind.net Email: ietf@kuehlewind.net
Dhruv Dhody Dhruv Dhody
Email: dd@dhruvdhody.com Email: dd@dhruvdhody.com
Mallory Knodel Mallory Knodel
Email: mknodel@cdt.org Email: Mallory.knodel@nyu.edu
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