name: Sean Dreilinger email: url: privateEmail: tag: updated: Sean Dreilinger suffered through two years of Los Angeles smog for a Masters degree in library/information systems at UCLA. Linux swept him off his feet in grad school and turned into a Network Administration career for the University. Consulting on Internet strategy and info-system design in assorted bored-rooms followed. Today he beams-in to from a remote mountain cabin near Cuyamaca, California and is only required to show his face at work once a week--nice job for the outdoors-loving and socially inept. He lives with his lover Kathy and this incredible high-altitude silence--punctuated only by the sound of wind rustling in the Manzanita trees, hummingbirds fighting for a perch on the feeder, and that reassuring whir of SCSI drives dancing with Linux under the desk. More life story with explicit photos can be found at