name: Jurgen Defurne email: url: privateEmail: tag: updated: Jurgen is an Analyst/programmer in financial company (Y2K and Euro). He became interested in microprocessors 18 years ago, when my eyes saw the TRS-80 in the Tandy (Radio Shack) catalog. I read all I could find about microprocessors, which was then mostly confined to 8080/8088/Z80. The only thing he could do back then was write programs in assembler without even having a computer. When he was 18, he gathered enough money to buy his first computer, the Sinclair ZX Spectrum. He studied electronics and learned programming mostly on his own. He worked with several languages (C, C++, xBase/Clipper, Cobol, FORTH) and several different systems in different areas: programming of test equipment, single- and multi-user databases in quality control and customer support, and PLCs in an aluminium foundry/milling factory.