Alien::Packages - Find information of installed packages

        my $ap = Alien::Packages->new();

        my @packages = $ap->list_packages();
        foreach my $pkg (@packages)
            print "$pkg->[0] version $pkg->[1]: $pkg->[2]\n";

        my %perl_owners = $ap->list_fileowners( File::Spec->rel2abs( $^X ) );
        while( my ($fn, $pkg) = each( %perl_owners ) )
            print "$fn is provided by ", join( ", ", @$pkg ), "\n";

    Instantiates new Alien::Packages object. Attributes can be specified for
    used finder (of type Module::Pluggable::Object). Additionally,

        Use only plugins which are still loaded.

    can be specified with a true value. This forces to grep %INC instead of
    using Module::Pluggable.

    Lists the installed packages on the system (if the caller has the
    permission to do).

    Results in a list of array references, whereby each item contains:

          PkgType => $pkg_type, # e.g. 'dpkg', 'pkgsrc', ...
          Package => $pkg_name,
          Version => $version,
          Summary => $summary,

    "type" is the packager type, e.g. *rpm*, *lpp* or *pkgsrc*.

    Provides an association between files on the system and the package
    which reference it (has presumably installed it).

    Returns a hash with the files names as key and a list of referencing
    package names as value:

      '/absolute/path/to/file' =>
                  PkgType => $pkg_type,
                  Package => $pkg_name,

    Jens Rehsack, "<rehsack at>"

    To get novice help, it's usually recommended to ask on typical platforms
    like PerlMonks. To help you make the best use of the PerlMonks platform,
    and any other lists or forums you may use, I strongly recommend that you
    read "How To Ask Questions The Smart Way" by Eric Raymond:

    If you really asks a question what noone can answer, please drop me a
    note with the question URL to either my CPAN address or on
    "" in the channels "#toolchain" or "#devops". I'll try to
    answer as best as I can (and as soon, as possible, of course).

  Where can I go for help with a concrete version?
    Bugs and feature requests are accepted against the latest version only.
    To get patches for earlier versions, you need to get an agreement with a
    developer of your choice - who may or not report the issue and a
    suggested fix upstream (depends on the license you have chosen).

  Business support and maintenance
    For business support you can contact Jens via his CPAN email address Please keep in mind that business support is neither
    available for free nor are you eligible to receive any support based on
    the license distributed with this package.

    This module is alpha software, the API may change in future releases.
    See Alien::Packages::Roadmap for more details.

    Please report any bugs or feature requests to "bug-alien-packages at", or through the web interface at
    <>. I will
    be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on
    your bug as I make changes.

    You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.

        perldoc Alien::Packages

    You can also look for information at:

    *   RT: CPAN's request tracker


    *   AnnoCPAN: Annotated CPAN documentation


    *   CPAN Ratings


    *   Search CPAN


    If you think you've found a bug then please also read "How to Report
    Bugs Effectively" by Simon Tatham:

    There're several ways how you can help to support future development:
    You can hire the author to implement the features you require at most
    (this also defines priorities), you can negotiate a support and
    maintenance contract with the company of the author and you can provide
    tests and patches. Further, you can submit documentation and links to
    resources to improve or add packaging systems or grant remote access to
    machines with insufficient supported packaging tools.

    Copyright 2010 Jens Rehsack.

    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
    under the terms of either: the GNU General Public License as published
    by the Free Software Foundation; or the Artistic License.

    See for more information.