NAME Win32::Font::NameToFile - Return the name of a TrueType font file from a description SYNOPSIS use Win32::Font::NameToFile qw(get_ttf_abs_path get_ttf_filename get_ttf_matching); use GD; use GD::Text::Wrap; # # using a simple, absolute path font description # my $img = GD::image->new(); my $gdtext = GD::Text::Wrap->new($img); $gdtext->set_font(get_ttf_abs_path('Palatino Linotype Bold Italic'), 12); # # using a simple font description with point size # $gdtext->font_path("$ENV{SYSTEMROOT}\\Fonts"); $gdtext->set_font(get_ttf_filename('Palatino Linotype Bold Italic 12'); # # using a font description from a Perl/Tk Tk::Font object # my $img = GD::image->new(); my $gdtext = GD::Text::Wrap->new($img); $gdtext->set_font(get_ttf_abs_path($tkfont)); # # using a partial font description # $gdtext->font_path("$ENV{SYSTEMROOT}\\Fonts"); my @fonts = get_ttf_matching('Palatino'); $gdtext->set_font($fonts[1], 12) if @fonts; DESCRIPTION Returns filenames for a TrueType font on Win32 platforms, using either a descriptive name, or a Perl/Tk Font object. If the name string does not end with a number, then returns a scalar string for either the absolute path (*for get_abs_path()*), or only the filename without any file qualifier (*for get_filename()*). Otherwise, for descriptive text names that end with a number, or for Perl/Tk Tk::Font objects, returns a list of the absolute path (*for get_abs_path()*), or the filename without any file qualifier (*for get_filename()*), and the point size of the font (useful to simplify calls to GD::Text::set_font()). Note that all methods are static *(i.e., class)* methods, and are exported. METHODS get_ttf_abs_path( *font-description* | *Tk::Font object* ) Returns the full path to the font file, as described above. get_ttf_filename( *font-description* | *Tk::Font object* ) Returns the font filename, with any file qualifier removed, as described above. get_ttf_bold( *font-description* | *Tk::Font object* ) get_ttf_italic( *font-description* | *Tk::Font object* ) get_ttf_bold_italic( *font-description* | *Tk::Font object* ) Returns true (as the absolute filename) if there is a version of the font that is bold, italic, or both. *@allfonts* = get_ttf_list() Returns a list of all available font descriptions. NOTE: the returned descriptions have been normalized to all lower case. *%allfonts* = get_ttf_map() Returns a list of all available (font description, filename) pairs (suitable for storing in a hash). NOTE: the returned descriptions have been normalized to all lower case, and the filenames are all upper case, and do not include the full path prefix. *%fonts* = get_ttf_matching($string) Returns a list of all available (font description, filename) pairs (suitable for storing in a hash) that begin with $string. NOTE: the returned descriptions have been normalized to all lower case, and the filenames are all upper case, and do not include the full path prefix. NOTES * The font registry information is read once when the module is loaded, and the information is stored in a package variable. Therefore, any changes to the font registry after the package is loaded will not be reflected by the module until the application is restarted. * Descriptive font naming can vary significantly, though in most cases the name is followed by the weight (if any) and then the slant (if any). As ever, YMMV. * This module treats "Oblique" slant the same as italic. * In order to normalize lookups, font names are stored internally in all lower case, and the file names are stored in all upper case. * Some fonts do not have explicit fontfiles for their bold or italic versions, but are manipulated by other packages (e.g., Perl/Tk) to implement the weight or slant programmatically. * Some fonts are hidden files, and thus may not show up in either the registry, or in the values return by this module. * When using Perl/Tk Font objects, be aware that the returned size value depends on the "-size" value supplied when the font was created. If a positive "-size" was specified, then the size is in pixels; if negative, the size is in points. This module detects and negates the latter "-size"'s when returning the results. *Alas, there is no simple/perfect method for deriving points from pixels, so caution is advised.* * The test suite assumes the usual Arial font types are available. PREREQUISITES Win32::TieRegistry AUTHOR and COPYRIGHT Copyright(C) 2006, Dean Arnold, Presicient Corp., USA. All rights reserved. <> You may use this software under the same terms as Perl itself. See the Perl Artistic license for details.