This is Authen::CyrusSASL version 0.01. Authen::CyrusSASL is a Perl 5 module
which allows you to authenticate/account usernames from a cyrus-sasl's
pwcheck or saslauthen server.

See the file 'INSTALL' for installation instructions. See the file 'Changes' 
for modifications or new additions to the module interface. Type 'perldoc 
Authen::CyrusSASL' for a quick synopsis of the available methods.
There are two types of possible authentication methods with
cyrus-sasl authentication interface. In cyrus-sasl v1.5.x 
there was only pwcheck method available (unconnected socket type - no fork).
In v2.x there is new saslauthd daemon - replacement for pwcheck
(connected socket type - forking processes). I think the next stage
would be connected socket without forking but with threads.

Authen::CyrusSASL was developed & tested on Solaris8. Interfacse is based
on the Authen::Radius package.

Authen::CyrusSASL is (c)2001 Piotr Klaban.
See the Perl Artistic License for copying and usage policy.