# File: lib/Power/Outlet.pm ## NAME Power::Outlet - Control and query network attached power outlets ## SYNOPSIS Command Line power-outlet Config ON section "My Section" power-outlet iBoot ON host mylamp power-outlet Hue ON host mybridge id 1 username myuser power-outlet Shelly ON host myshelly power-outlet SonoffDiy ON host mysonoff power-outlet Tasmota ON host mytasmota power-outlet WeMo ON host mywemo Perl Object API my $outlet=Power::Outlet->new( #sane defaults from manufactures spec type => "iBoot", host => "mylamp", ); print $outlet->query, "\n"; print $outlet->on, "\n"; print $outlet->off, "\n"; ## DESCRIPTION Power::Outlet is a package for controlling and querying network attached power outlets. Individual hardware drivers in this name space must provide a common object interface for the controlling and querying of an outlet. Common methods that every network attached power outlet must know are on, off, query, switch and cycle. Optional methods might be implemented in some drivers like amps and volts. ### SCOPE The current scope of these packages is network attached power outlets. I started with iBoot and iBootBar since I had the hardware. Hardware configuration is beyond the scope of this group of packages as most power outlets have functional web based or command line configuration tools. ### Home Assistant Integration with Home Assistant [https://home-assistant.io/](https://home-assistant.io/) can be accomplished by configuring a Command Line Switch. switch: - platform: command_line switches: ibootbar_1: command_on: /usr/bin/power-outlet iBootBar ON host mybar.local outlet 1 command_off: /usr/bin/power-outlet iBootBar OFF host mybar.local outlet 1 command_state: /usr/bin/power-outlet iBootBar QUERY host mybar.local outlet 1 | /bin/grep -q ON friendly_name: My iBootBar Outlet 1 See [https://home-assistant.io/components/switch.command\_line/](https://home-assistant.io/components/switch.command_line/) ### Node Red Integration with Node Red [https://nodered.org/](https://nodered.org/) can be accomplished with the included JSON web API power-outlet-json.cgi. The power-outlet-json.cgi script is a layer on top of [Power::Outlet::Config](https://metacpan.org/pod/Power::Outlet::Config) where the "name" parameter maps to the section in the /etc/power-outlet.ini INI file. To access all of these devices use an http request node with a URL{{topic}};action={{payload}} then simply set the topic to the INI section and the action to either ON or OFF. ## USAGE The Perl one liner perl -MPower::Outlet -e 'print Power::Outlet->new(type=>"Tasmota", host=>shift)->switch, "\n"' myhost The included command line script power-outlet Shelly ON host myshelly ## CONSTRUCTOR ### new my $outlet = Power::Outlet->new(type=>"WeMo", host=>"mywemo"); ## BUGS Please open an issue on github ## SUPPORT DavisNetworks.com supports all Perl applications including this package. ## AUTHOR Michael R. Davis CPAN ID: MRDVT DavisNetworks.com ## COPYRIGHT This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. The full text of the license can be found in the LICENSE file included with this module. ## SEE ALSO [Power::Outlet::iBoot](https://metacpan.org/pod/Power::Outlet::iBoot), [Power::Outlet::iBootBar](https://metacpan.org/pod/Power::Outlet::iBootBar), [Power::Outlet::WeMo](https://metacpan.org/pod/Power::Outlet::WeMo), [Power::Outlet::Hue](https://metacpan.org/pod/Power::Outlet::Hue) # File: lib/Power/Outlet/Config.pm ## NAME Power::Outlet::Config - Control and query a Power::Outlet device from Configuration file ## SYNOPSIS my $outlet = Power::Outlet::Config->new(section=>"My Section"); print $outlet->query, "\n"; print $outlet->on, "\n"; print $outlet->off, "\n"; ## DESCRIPTION Power::Outlet::Config is a package for controlling and querying Power::Outlet devices registered in an INI file. ## USAGE Configuration /etc/power-outliet.ini [My Tasmota] type=Tasmota host=light-hostname relay=POWER [My SonoffDiy] type=SonoffDiy host=switch=hostname Script use Power::Outlet::Config; my $outlet = Power::Outlet::Config->new(section=>"My Section"); print $outlet->on, "\n"; Command Line /usr/bin/power-outlet Config ON section "My Tasmota" /usr/bin/power-outlet Config ON section "My Section" ini_file ./my.ini ## CONSTRUCTOR ### new my $outlet = Power::Outlet->new(type=>"Config", section=>"My Section"); my $outlet = Power::Outlet::Config->new(section=>"My Section"); ## PROPERTIES ### section ### hash ## OBJECT ACCESSORS ### ini Returns a [Config::IniFiles](https://metacpan.org/pod/Config::IniFiles) for the power-outlet.ini file. ### ini\_file Default: /etc/power-outlet.ini or C:\\Windows\\power-outlet.ini ### ini\_file\_default Default: power-outlet.ini ## BUGS Please log on RT and send an email to the author. ## SUPPORT DavisNetworks.com supports all Perl applications including this package. ## AUTHOR Michael R. Davis CPAN ID: MRDVT DavisNetworks.com ## COPYRIGHT Copyright (c) 2020 Michael R. Davis This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. The full text of the license can be found in the LICENSE file included with this module. ## SEE ALSO # File: lib/Power/Outlet/Dingtian.pm ## NAME Power::Outlet::Dingtian - Control and query Dingtian Relay Boards via the HTTP API ## SYNOPSIS my $outlet = Power::Outlet::Dingtian->new(host => "my_host", relay => "1"); print $outlet->query, "\n"; print $outlet->on, "\n"; print $outlet->off, "\n"; ## DESCRIPTION Power::Outlet::Dingtian is a package for controlling and querying a relay on Dingtian hardware via the HTTP API. Example commands can be executed via web (HTTP) GET requests, for example: Relay Status URL Example Relay 1 on example (relays are named one-based but the api uses a zero-based index) Relay 2 off example Relay 2 cycle off-on-off example (note: time in 100ms increments) I have tested this package against the Dingtian DT-R002 V3.6A with V3.1.276A firmware configured for both HTTP and HTTPS. ## USAGE use Power::Outlet::Dingtian; my $relay = Power::Outlet::Dingtian->new(host=>"my_host", relay=>"1"); print $relay->on, "\n"; ## CONSTRUCTOR ### new my $outlet = Power::Outlet->new(type=>"Dingtian", host=>"my_host", relay=>"1"); my $outlet = Power::Outlet::Dingtian->new(host=>"my_host", relay=>"1"); ## PROPERTIES ### relay Dingtian API supports up to 32 relays numbered 1 to 32. Default: 1 Note: The relays are numbered 1-32 but the api uses a zero based index. ### pwd Sets and returns the ID token used for authentication with the Dingtian hardware Default: "0" Can be set in the Relay Password property in the Other section on the Relay Connect screen. ### host Sets and returns the hostname or IP address. Default: ### port Sets and returns the port number. Default: 80 Can be set in the HTTP Server Port property on the Setting screen. ### http\_scheme Sets and returns the http scheme (i.e. protocol) (e.g. http or https). Default: http Can be set in the HTTP or HTTPS property on the Setting screen ## METHODS ### name Sets and returns the friendly name for this relay. ### query Sends an HTTP message to the device to query the current state ### on Sends a message to the device to Turn Power ON ### off Sends a message to the device to Turn Power OFF ### switch Sends a message to the device to toggle the power ### cycle Sends messages to the device to Cycle Power (ON-OFF-ON or OFF-ON-OFF). ## BUGS Please open an issue on GitHub. ## AUTHOR Michael R. Davis CPAN ID: MRDVT ## COPYRIGHT Copyright (c) 2020 Michael R. Davis This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. The full text of the license can be found in the LICENSE file included with this module. ## SEE ALSO [https://www.dingtian-tech.com/sdk/relay\_sdk.zip](https://www.dingtian-tech.com/sdk/relay_sdk.zip) => programming\_manual\_en.pdf page 12 "Protocol: HTTP GET CGI" # File: lib/Power/Outlet/Hue.pm ## NAME Power::Outlet::Hue - Control and query a Philips Hue light ## SYNOPSIS my $outlet=Power::Outlet::Hue->new(host => "mybridge", id=>1, username=>"myuser"); print $outlet->query, "\n"; print $outlet->on, "\n"; print $outlet->off, "\n"; ## DESCRIPTION Power::Outlet::Hue is a package for controlling and querying a light on a Philips Hue network attached bridge. ## USAGE use Power::Outlet::Hue; my $lamp=Power::Outlet::Hue->new(host=>"mybridge", id=>1, username=>"myuser"); print $lamp->on, "\n"; ## CONSTRUCTOR ### new my $outlet=Power::Outlet->new(type=>"Hue", host=>"mybridge", id=>1); my $outlet=Power::Outlet::Hue->new(host=>"mybridge", id=>1); ## PROPERTIES ### id ID for the particular light as configured in the Philips Hue Bridge Default: 1 ### resource Resource for the particular object as presented on the Philips Hue Bridge Default: lights Currently supported Resources from [https://developers.meethue.com/documentation/core-concepts](https://developers.meethue.com/documentation/core-concepts) lights - resource which contains all the light resources groups - resource which contains all the groups config - resource which contains all the configuration items schedules - which contains all the schedules scenes - which contains all the scenes sensors - which contains all the sensors rules - which contains all the rules ### host Sets and returns the hostname or IP address. Default: mybridge ### port Sets and returns the port number. Default: 80 ### username Sets and returns the username used for authentication with the Hue Bridge Default: newdeveloper (Hue Emulator default) ### name Returns the configured friendly name for the device ## METHODS ### query Sends an HTTP message to the device to query the current state ### on Sends a message to the device to Turn Power ON ### off Sends a message to the device to Turn Power OFF ### switch Queries the device for the current status and then requests the opposite. ### cycle Sends messages to the device to Cycle Power (ON-OFF-ON or OFF-ON-OFF). ## BUGS Please log on RT and send an email to the author. ## SUPPORT DavisNetworks.com supports all Perl applications including this package. ## AUTHOR Michael R. Davis CPAN ID: MRDVT DavisNetworks.com Thanks to Mathias Neerup manee12 at student.sdu.dk - [https://rt.cpan.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=123965](https://rt.cpan.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=123965) ## COPYRIGHT Copyright (c) 2018 Michael R. Davis This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. The full text of the license can be found in the LICENSE file included with this module. ## SEE ALSO [http://www.developers.meethue.com/philips-hue-api](http://www.developers.meethue.com/philips-hue-api), [http://steveyo.github.io/Hue-Emulator/](http://steveyo.github.io/Hue-Emulator/), [https://home-assistant.io/components/emulated\_hue/](https://home-assistant.io/components/emulated_hue/) # File: lib/Power/Outlet/MQTT.pm ## NAME Power::Outlet::MQTT - Control and query an outlet or relay via MQTT ## SYNOPSIS Tasmota defaults my $outlet = Power::Outlet::MQTT->new( host => "mqtt", device => "my_device", relay => "POWER1", ); or topic defaults my $outlet = Power::Outlet::MQTT->new( host => "mqtt", publish_topic => "cmnd/my_device/POWER1", subscribe_topic => "stat/my_device/POWER1", ); or explicit definitions with no defaults my $outlet = Power::Outlet::MQTT->new( host => "mqtt", publish_on => "cmnd/my_device/POWER1+ON", #plus sign delimited topic and message publish_off => "cmnd/my_device/POWER1+OFF", publish_switch => "cmnd/my_device/POWER1+TOGGLE", publish_query => "cmnd/my_device/POWER1+", subscribe_topic => "stat/my_device/POWER1", subscribe_value_on => 'ON' #or qr/\A(?:ON|1)\Z/i, subscribe_value_off => 'OFF, #or qr/\A(?:OFF|0)\Z/i, ); print $outlet->query, "\n"; print $outlet->on, "\n"; print $outlet->off, "\n"; ## DESCRIPTION Power::Outlet::MQTT is a package for controlling and querying an outlet or relay via MQTT Examples: $ mosquitto_pub -h mqtt -t "cmnd/my_device/POWER1" -m ON $ mosquitto_pub -h mqtt -t "cmnd/my_device/POWER1" -m OFF $ mosquitto_sub -h mqtt -t "stat/my_device/POWER1" -v ## USAGE use Power::Outlet::MQTT; my $outlet = Power::Outlet::MQTT->new(host=>"mqtt", device=>"my_device"); print $outlet->on, "\n"; ## CONSTRUCTOR ### new my $outlet = Power::Outlet->new(type=>"MQTT", host=>"mqtt"); my $outlet = Power::Outlet::MQTT->new(host=>"mqtt"); ## PROPERTIES ### host Sets and returns the host name of the MQTT broker. Default: mqtt ### port Sets and returns the port number of the MQTT broker. Default: 1883 ### secure Sets and returns a boolean property to use secure MQTT protocol or not. Default: if port=8883 then 1 else 0 ### device Sets and returns the device name of the MQTT topic. Note: Only used when topics are autogenerated for devices that support the Tasmota MQTT topic conventions. ### relay Sets and returns the relay of the device. Only used when name is used to define default publish and subscribe topics. Default: POWER1 ### publish\_topic MQTT topic to publish to control the relay Default: "cmnd/$device/$relay" ### publish\_on MQTT topic and message payload to publish to turn the relay on (plus sign delimited) Default: "cmnd/$device/$relay+ON" ### publish\_off MQTT topic and message payload to turn the relay off (plus sign delimited) Default: "cmnd/$device/$relay+OFF" ### publish\_switch MQTT topic and message payload to toggle the relay (plus sign delimited) Default: "cmnd/$device/$relay+TOGGLE" ### publish\_query MQTT topic and message payload to request the turn the current state of the relay (plus sign delimited) Default: "cmnd/$device/$relay+" ### subscribe\_topic MQTT topic which indicates the current state of the relay Default: "stat/$device/$relay+" ### subscribe\_value\_on MQTT message payload to indicate the current state of the relay as on Default: "ON" or 1 ### subscribe\_value\_off MQTT message payload to indicate the current state of the relay as off Default: "OFF" or 0 ### user Sets and returns the authentication user for the MQTT broker. Default: undef ### password Sets and returns the password used for authentication with the MQTT broker Default: "" ## METHODS ### name Sets and returns a user friendly name of this device relay. ### query Sends an HTTP message to the device to query the current state ### on Sends a message to the device to Turn Power ON ### off Sends a message to the device to Turn Power OFF ### switch ### cycle ## ACCESSORS ### mqtt Returns a cached connected [Net::MQTT::Simple](https://metacpan.org/pod/Net::MQTT::Simple) or [Net::MQTT::Simple::SSL](https://metacpan.org/pod/Net::MQTT::Simple::SSL) object. ## BUGS Please log on GitHub ## AUTHOR Michael R. Davis ## COPYRIGHT Copyright (c) 2023 Michael R. Davis This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. The full text of the license can be found in the LICENSE file included with this module. ## SEE ALSO # File: lib/Power/Outlet/Shelly.pm ## NAME Power::Outlet::Shelly - Control and query a Shelly GIPO Relay with HTTP REST API ## SYNOPSIS my $outlet = Power::Outlet::Shelly->new(host=>"shelly", index=>0); print $outlet->query, "\n"; print $outlet->on, "\n"; print $outlet->off, "\n"; print $outlet->switch, "\n"; print $outlet->cycle, "\n"; ## DESCRIPTION Power::Outlet::Shelly is a package for controlling and querying a relay index on Shelly hardware. From: [https://shelly-api-docs.shelly.cloud/](https://shelly-api-docs.shelly.cloud/) Commands can be executed via web (HTTP) requests, for example: http:///relay/0?turn=on http:///relay/0?turn=off http:///relay/0?turn=toggle http:///relay/0?timer=5 ## USAGE use Power::Outlet::Shelly; my $outlet = Power::Outlet::Shelly->new(host=>"sw-kitchen", style=>"relay", index=>0); print $outlet->on, "\n"; Command Line $ power-outlet Shelly ON host sw-kitchen style relay index 0 Command Line (from settings) $ cat /etc/power-outlet.ini [Kitchen] type=Shelly name=Kitchen host=sw-kitchen style=relay index=0 groups=Inside Lights groups=Main Floor $ power-outlet Config ON section Kitchen $ curl;action=ON ## CONSTRUCTOR ### new my $outlet = Power::Outlet->new(type=>"Shelly", host=>"shelly", index=>0); my $outlet = Power::Outlet::Shelly->new(host=>"shelly", index=>0); ## PROPERTIES ### style Set the style to support "relay" (1, 1L, 2.5, 4, Plug, Uni, EM, 3EM), "light" (Dimmer, Bulb, Vintage, Duo), "color" (RGB Color), or "white" (RGB White) my $style = $outlet->style; my $style = $outlet->style('light'); default: relay ### index Shelly hardware supports zero or more relay indexes starting at 0. Default: 0 ### host Sets and returns the hostname or IP address. Default: shelly ### port Sets and returns the port number. Default: 80 ## METHODS ### name ### query Sends an HTTP message to the device to query the current state ### on Sends a message to the device to Turn Power ON ### off Sends a message to the device to Turn Power OFF ### switch Sends a message to the device to toggle the power ### cycle Sends messages to the device to Cycle Power (ON-OFF-ON or OFF-ON-OFF). ### cycle\_duration Default; 10 seconds (floating point number) ## BUGS Please log on RT and send an email to the author. ## SUPPORT DavisNetworks.com supports all Perl applications including this package. ## AUTHOR Michael R. Davis CPAN ID: MRDVT DavisNetworks.com ## COPYRIGHT Copyright (c) 2020 Michael R. Davis This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. The full text of the license can be found in the LICENSE file included with this module. ## SEE ALSO [https://shelly-api-docs.shelly.cloud/](https://shelly-api-docs.shelly.cloud/) # File: lib/Power/Outlet/SonoffDiy.pm ## NAME Power::Outlet::SonoffDiy - Control and query a Sonoff DIY device ## SYNOPSIS my $outlet = Power::Outlet::SonoffDiy->new(host => "SonoffDiy"); print $outlet->query, "\n"; print $outlet->on, "\n"; print $outlet->off, "\n"; ## DESCRIPTION Power::Outlet::SonoffDiy is a package for controlling and querying Sonoff ESP8266 hardware running Sonoff firmware in DIY mode. This package supports and has been tested on both the version 1.4 (firmware 3.3.0) and version 2.0 (firmware 3.6.0) of the API. From: [https://github.com/itead/Sonoff\_Devices\_DIY\_Tools](https://github.com/itead/Sonoff_Devices_DIY_Tools) Commands can be executed via HTTP POST requests, for example: curl -i -XPOST -d '{"deviceid":"","data":{}}' 1.4 Return where data is a string { "seq" : 21, "error" : 0, "data" : "{\"switch\":\"off\",\"startup\":\"stay\",\"pulse\":\"off\",\"pulseWidth\":500,\"ssid\":\"my_ssid\",\"otaUnlock\":false}" } 2.0 Return where data is an object { "seq" : 12, "error" : 0, "data":{ "switch" : "on", "startup" : "stay", "pulse" : "off", "pulseWidth" : 500, "ssid" : "my_ssid", "otaUnlock" : false, "fwVersion" : "3.6.0", "deviceid" : "1001262ec1", "bssid" : "fc:ec:da:81:c:98", "signalStrength" : -61 } } curl -i -XPOST -d '{"deviceid":"","data":{"switch":"off"}}' { "seq" : 22, "error" : 0 } curl -i -XPOST -d '{"deviceid":"","data":{"switch":"on"}}' { "seq" : 23, "error" : 0 } ## USAGE use Power::Outlet::SonoffDiy; my $outlet = Power::Outlet::SonoffDiy->new(host=>"SonoffDiy"); print $outlet->on, "\n"; ## CONSTRUCTOR ### new my $outlet = Power::Outlet->new(type=>"SonoffDiy", host=>"SonoffDiy"); my $outlet = Power::Outlet::SonoffDiy->new(host=>"SonoffDiy"); ## PROPERTIES ### host Sets and returns the hostname or IP address. Default: SonoffDiy ### port Sets and returns the port number. Default: 8081 ### http\_path Sets and returns the http\_path. Default: / ## METHODS ### name Returns the name as configured. Note: The Sonoff DIY firmware does not support setting a hostname or friendly name. ### query Sends an HTTP message to the device to query the current state ### on Sends a message to the device to Turn Power ON ### off Sends a message to the device to Turn Power OFF ### switch Sends a message to the device to toggle the power ### cycle Sends messages to the device to Cycle Power (ON-OFF-ON or OFF-ON-OFF). ## BUGS Please log on RT and send an email to the author. ## SUPPORT DavisNetworks.com supports all Perl applications including this package. ## AUTHOR Michael R. Davis CPAN ID: MRDVT DavisNetworks.com ## COPYRIGHT Copyright (c) 2020 Michael R. Davis This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. The full text of the license can be found in the LICENSE file included with this module. ## SEE ALSO [https://github.com/itead/Sonoff\_Devices\_DIY\_Tools](https://github.com/itead/Sonoff_Devices_DIY_Tools) # File: lib/Power/Outlet/Tasmota.pm ## NAME Power::Outlet::Tasmota - Control and query a Tasmota GIPO configured as a Relay (Switch or Button) ## SYNOPSIS my $outlet = Power::Outlet::Tasmota->new(host => "tasmota", relay => "POWER1"); print $outlet->query, "\n"; print $outlet->on, "\n"; print $outlet->off, "\n"; ## DESCRIPTION Power::Outlet::Tasmota is a package for controlling and querying a relay on Tasmota ESP8266 hardware. From: [https://tasmota.github.io/docs/#/Commands](https://tasmota.github.io/docs/#/Commands) Commands can be executed via web (HTTP) requests, for example: http:///cm?cmnd=Power%20TOGGLE http:///cm?cmnd=Power%20On http:///cm?cmnd=Power%20off http:///cm?user=admin&password=joker&cmnd=Power%20Toggle Examples: Query default relay $ curl http://tasmota/cm?cmnd=POWER1 {"POWER1":"ON"} Toggle (Switch) relay 4 $ curl http://tasmota/cm?user=foo;password=bar;cmnd=POWER4+TOGGLE {"POWER4":"OFF"} Turn ON relay 2 $ curl http://tasmota/cm?user=foo;password=bar;cmnd=POWER2+ON {"POWER2":"ON"} ## USAGE use Power::Outlet::Tasmota; my $relay = Power::Outlet::Tasmota->new(host=>"tasmota", relay=>"POWER2"); print $relay->on, "\n"; ## CONSTRUCTOR ### new my $outlet = Power::Outlet->new(type=>"Tasmota", host=>"tasmota", relay=>"POWER2"); my $outlet = Power::Outlet::Tasmota->new(host=>"tasmota", relay=>"POWER2"); ## PROPERTIES ### relay Tasmota version 8.1.0 supports up to 8 relays. These 8 relays map to the relay tokens "POWER1", "POWER2", ... "POWER8". With "POWER" being the default relay name for the first relay defined in the configuration. Default: POWER1 ### host Sets and returns the hostname or IP address. Default: tasmota ### port Sets and returns the port number. Default: 80 ### http\_path Sets and returns the http\_path. Default: /cm ### user Sets and returns the user used for authentication with the Tasmota hardware my $outlet = Power::Outlet::Tasmota->new(host=>"tasmota", relay=>"POWER1", user=>"mylogin", password=>"mypassword"); print $outlet->query, "\n"; Default: undef() #which is only passed on the url when defined ### password Sets and returns the password used for authentication with the Tasmota hardware Default: "" #which is only passed on the url when user property is defined ## METHODS ### name Returns the FriendlyName from the Tasmota hardware. Note: The FriendlyName is cached for the life of the object. ### query Sends an HTTP message to the device to query the current state ### on Sends a message to the device to Turn Power ON ### off Sends a message to the device to Turn Power OFF ### switch Sends a message to the device to toggle the power ### cycle Sends messages to the device to Cycle Power (ON-OFF-ON or OFF-ON-OFF). ## BUGS Please log on RT and send an email to the author. ## SUPPORT DavisNetworks.com supports all Perl applications including this package. ## AUTHOR Michael R. Davis CPAN ID: MRDVT DavisNetworks.com ## COPYRIGHT Copyright (c) 2020 Michael R. Davis This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. The full text of the license can be found in the LICENSE file included with this module. ## SEE ALSO [https://tasmota.github.io/docs/#/Commands](https://tasmota.github.io/docs/#/Commands) # File: lib/Power/Outlet/TuyaAPI.pm ## NAME Power::Outlet::TuyaAPI - Control and query an outlet via the TuyaAPI. ## SYNOPSIS my $outlet = Power::Outlet::TuyaAPI->new(client_id=>"abc123", client_secret=>"cde234", deviceid=>"def345", switch=>"switch_1"); print $outlet->query, "\n"; print $outlet->on, "\n"; print $outlet->off, "\n"; ## DESCRIPTION Power::Outlet::TuyaAPI is a package for controlling and querying an outlet via the TuyaAPI. This package is a wrapper around [WebService::Tuya::IoT::API](https://metacpan.org/pod/WebService::Tuya::IoT::API) please see that documentation for device configuration. ## USAGE use Power::Outlet::TuyaAPI; my $relay = Power::Outlet::TuyaAPI->new(client_id=>"abc123", client_secret=>"cde234", deviceid=>"def345", switch=>"switch_1"); print $relay->on, "\n"; ## CONSTRUCTOR ### new my $outlet = Power::Outlet->new(type=>"TuyaAPI", client_id=>"abc123", client_secret=>"cde234", deviceid=>"def345", switch=>"switch_1"); my $outlet = Power::Outlet::TuyaAPI->new(client_id=>"abc123", client_secret=>"cde234", deviceid=>"def345", switch=>"switch_1"); ## PROPERTIES ### host default: openapi.tuyaus.com ### client\_id The Client ID found on https://iot.tuya.com/ project overview page. ### client\_secret The Client Secret found on https://iot.tuya.com/ project overview page. ### deviceid The Device ID found on https://iot.tuya.com/ project devices page. ### relay The relay name or "code" for a particular relay on the device. Devices with a single relay this value will most likely be switch\_1 but, for devices with multiple relays the first relay is normally switch\_1 and subsequent relays should be labeled switch\_2, etc. default: switch\_1 ## METHODS ### name Returns the name from the device information API Note: The name is cached for the life of the object. ### query Sends an HTTP message to the API to query the current state of the device relay ### on Sends a message to the API to turn the device relay ON ### off Sends a message to the API to turn the device relay OFF ### switch Sends a message to the API to toggle the device relay state ### cycle Sends messages to the device to cycle the device relay state ## BUGS Please log on RT and send an email to the author. ## SUPPORT DavisNetworks.com supports all Perl applications including this package. ## AUTHOR Michael R. Davis CPAN ID: MRDVT DavisNetworks.com ## COPYRIGHT Copyright (c) 2020 Michael R. Davis This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. The full text of the license can be found in the LICENSE file included with this module. ## SEE ALSO [https://tasmota.github.io/docs/#/Commands](https://tasmota.github.io/docs/#/Commands) # File: lib/Power/Outlet/WeMo.pm ## NAME Power::Outlet::WeMo - Control and query a Belkin WeMo power outlet ## SYNOPSIS my $outlet=Power::Outlet::WeMo->new(host => "mywemo"); print $outlet->query, "\n"; print $outlet->on, "\n"; print $outlet->off, "\n"; ## DESCRIPTION Power::Outlet::WeMo is a package for controlling and querying an outlet on a Belkin WeMo network attached power outlet. ## USAGE use Power::Outlet::WeMo; use DateTime; my $lamp=Power::Outlet::WeMo->new(host=>"mywemo"); my $hour=DateTime->now->hour; my $night=$hour > 20 ? 1 : $hour < 06 ? 1 : 0; if ($night) { print $lamp->on, "\n"; } else { print $lamp->off, "\n"; } ## CONSTRUCTOR ### new my $outlet=Power::Outlet->new(type=>"WeMo", "host=>"mywemo"); my $outlet=Power::Outlet::WeMo->new(host=>"mywemo"); ## PROPERTIES ### host Sets and returns the hostname or IP address. Note: Set IP address via DHCP static mapping ### port Sets and returns the port number. ### name Returns the configured FriendlyName from the WeMo device ## METHODS ### query Sends a UPnP message to the WeMo device to query the current state ### on Sends a UPnP message to the WeMo device to Turn Power ON ### off Sends a UPnP message to the WeMo device to Turn Power OFF ### switch Queries the device for the current status and then requests the opposite. ### cycle Sends UPnP messages to the WeMo device to Cycle Power (ON-OFF-ON or OFF-ON-OFF). ## BUGS Please log on RT and send an email to the author. ## SUPPORT DavisNetworks.com supports all Perl applications including this package. ## AUTHOR Michael R. Davis CPAN ID: MRDVT DavisNetworks.com ## COPYRIGHT Copyright (c) 2013 Michael R. Davis This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. The full text of the license can be found in the LICENSE file included with this module. Portions of the WeMo Implementation Copyright (c) 2013 Eric Blue This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. ## SEE ALSO [WebService::Belkin::Wemo::Device](https://metacpan.org/pod/WebService::Belkin::Wemo::Device), [https://gist.github.com/jscrane/7257511](https://gist.github.com/jscrane/7257511) # File: scripts/power-outlet ## NAME power-outlet - Control and query a Power::Outlet device from command line ## SYNOPSIS power-outlet -v power-outlet WeMo ON host mywemo power-outlet WeMo OFF host mywemo power-outlet iBoot ON host mylamp power-outlet iBoot OFF host mylamp power-outlet iBootBar ON host mybar outlet 1 power-outlet iBootBar OFF host mybar outlet 1 power-outlet iBootBarGroup ON host mybar outlets 1,2,3,4 power-outlet iBootBarGroup OFF host mybar outlets 1,2,3,4 ## DESCRIPTION This script provide a command line interface for Power::Outlet devices ## COPYRIGHT Copyright (c) 2013 Michael R. Davis ## LICENSE This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. # File: scripts/power-outlet.cgi ## NAME power-outlet.cgi - Control multiple Power::Outlet devices from web browser ## DESCRIPTION power-outlet.cgi is a CGI application to control multiple Power::Outlet devices. It was written to work on iPhone and look ok in most browsers. ## CONFIGURATION To add an outlet for the CGI application, add a new INI section to the power-outlet.ini file. [Unique_Section_Name] type=iBoot host=Lamp groups=Inside groups=Kitchen If you need to override the defaults [Unique_Section_Name] type=iBoot host=Lamp port=80 pass=PASS name=My iBoot Description groups=Outside groups=Deck WeMo device [WeMo] type=WeMo host=mywemo groups=Inside groups=Study Default Location: /usr/share/power-outlet/conf/power-outlet.ini ## BUILD rpmbuild -ta Power-Outlet-*.tar.gz ## INSTALLATION I recommend installation with the provided RPM package perl-Power-Outlet-application-cgi which installs to /usr/share/power-outlet and configures Apache with /etc/httpd/conf.d/power-outlet.conf. sudo yum install perl-Power-Outlet-application-cgi # File: scripts/power-outlet-json.cgi ## NAME power-outlet-json.cgi - Control Power::Outlet device with JSON web service (e.g. Node-Red) ## DESCRIPTION power-outlet-json.cgi is a CGI application to control a Power::Outlet device with a web service. ## API The script is called over HTTP with name and action parameters. The name is the Section Name from the INI file and the action is one of on, off, query, or switch. http://localhost/power-outlet/power-outlet-json.cgi?name=Lamp;action=off http://localhost/power-outlet/power-outlet-json.cgi?name=Lamp;action=on http://localhost/power-outlet/power-outlet-json.cgi?name=Lamp;action=query http://localhost/power-outlet/power-outlet-json.cgi?name=Lamp;action=switch Return is a JSON hash with keys status and state. status is OK if there are no errors, state is the state of the switch after command either ON or OFF. {"status":"OK","state":"ON"} ## Node-Red Integration Use three nodes: inject, http request, and debug. - In the inject node - Set the "Topic" to the desired INI config file \[section\] name. - Set the "Payload" to one of "ON", "OFF", "QUERY" or "SWITCH" - In the http request node - Set the "Method" to GET (script also supports POST) - Set the "URL" to{{topic}};action={{payload}} - Set the "Return" to a parsed JSON Object - In the debug node - Set the "Output" to msg.payload.state which returns "ON" or "OFF" ### Node Red Example [{"id":"736cc2df.cc616c","type":"inject","z":"bbbcee28.8891c","name":"","topic":"Christmas Tree","payload":"On","payloadType":"str","repeat":"","crontab":"","once":false,"onceDelay":0.1,"x":330,"y":1480,"wires":[["6f024760.ea5058"]]},{"id":"6f024760.ea5058","type":"http request","z":"bbbcee28.8891c","name":"power-outlet-json.cgi","method":"GET","ret":"obj","paytoqs":false,"url":"{{topic}};action={{payload}}","tls":"","persist":false,"proxy":"","authType":"","x":560,"y":1480,"wires":[["2673faca.21f8d6"]],"inputLabels":["Topic=>name, Payload=>action"]},{"id":"2673faca.21f8d6","type":"debug","z":"bbbcee28.8891c","name":"","active":true,"tosidebar":true,"console":false,"tostatus":false,"complete":"payload.state","targetType":"msg","x":790,"y":1480,"wires":[]}] ## CONFIGURATION To add an outlet for the web service, add a new INI section to the power-outlet.ini file. [Tree] type=Tasmota host=light-tree groups=Outside Lights If you need to override the defaults [Kitchen] type=Shelly name=Kitchen host=sw-kitchen port=80 style=relay index=0 groups=Inside Lights WeMo device [Living Room] type=WeMo host=sw-living-room groups=Inside Lights Default Location: /etc/power-outlet.ini ### BUILD rpmbuild -ta Power-Outlet-*.tar.gz ## INSTALLATION I recommend installation with the provided RPM package perl-Power-Outlet-application-cgi which installs to /usr/share/power-outlet. sudo yum install perl-Power-Outlet-application-cgi # File: scripts/power-outlet-mqtt-listener.pl ## NAME power-outlet-mqtt-listener.pl - MQTT listener to control Power::Outlet devices ## SYNOPSIS power-outlet-mqtt-listener.pl [-c /etc/power-outlet-mqtt-listener.yml] ## DESCRIPTION This script provides an MQTT listener to control Power::Outlet devices ## CONFIGURATION The YAML formatted file /etc/power-outlet-mqtt-listener.yml is a key-value hash. The "host" key value is a string representing the host name of the MQTT server. The "directives" key value is a list of individual directives with "name", "topic", "value" (topic payload to match) and "actions". The "actions" key value is a list of individual actions to run when "topic" and "value" match. Individual actions have keys "name", "driver", "command", and "options". "options" is a hash of options that is passed to the driver. Example: --- host: mqtt directives: - name: Smart Outlet Top Button Press topic: cmnd/smartoutlet_button_topic/POWER1 value: TOGGLE actions: - name: Outside Lights driver: iBootBarGroup command: 'ON' options: outlets: '1,2,6,7' host: bar - name: Smart Outlet Bottom Button Press topic: cmnd/smartoutlet_button_topic/POWER2 value: TOGGLE actions: - name: Outside Lights driver: iBootBarGroup command: 'OFF' options: outlets: '1,2,6,7' host: bar ## SYSTEMD The included rpm spec file installs a systemd service file so you can run this process from systemd. systemctl power-outlet-mqtt-listener.service enable systemctl power-outlet-mqtt-listener.service start ## BUILD rpmbuild -ta Power-Outlet-*.tar.gz ## INSTALL sudo yum install perl-Power-Outlet-mqtt-listener ## COPYRIGHT Copyright (c) 2020 Michael R. Davis ## LICENSE This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.