# NAME Measure::Everything - Log::Any for Stats # VERSION version 1.003 # SYNOPSIS In a module where you want to count some stats: package Foo; use Measure::Everything qw($stats); $stats->write('jigawats', 1.21, { source=>'Plutonium', location=>'Hill Valley' }); In your application: use Foo; use Measure::Everything::Adapter; Measure::Everything::Adapter->set('InfluxDB::File', %args); # DESCRIPTION `Measure::Everything` tries to provide a standard measuring API for modules (like [Log::Any](https://metacpan.org/pod/Log::Any) does for logging). `Measure::Everything::Adapter`s allow applications to choose the mechanism for measuring stats (for example [InfluxDB](https://influxdb.com), [OpenTSDB](http://opentsdb.net/), Graphite, etc). For now, `Measure::Everything` only supports `InfluxDB`, because that's what we're using. But I hope that other time series databases (or other storage backends) can be added to `Measure::Everything`. Unfortunately, measuring stats is not such a well-established domain like logging (where we have a set of common log levels, and basically "just" need to pass some string to some logging sink). So it is very likely that `Measure::Everything` cannot provide a generic API, where you can switch out Adapters without changing the measuring code. But we can try! `Measure::Everything` currently provides a way to access a global object `$stats`, on which you can call the `write` method. The currently active `Adapter` decides what to do with the data passed to `write`. In contrast to `Log::Any`, there can be only one active `Adapter`. # PRODUCING STATS (FOR MODULES) ## Getting a stats handler use Measure::Everything qw($stats); This will import a `$stats` object into your current namespace. What this object will do depends on the active Adapter (see section CONSUMING STATS) ## Counting For now, `Measure::Everything` provides one method to write stats, `write`: $stats->write($measurement, $value | \%values, \%tags?, $timestamp?); It is still a bit uncertain whether this API will work for all possible time series databases and other storage backends. But it works for `InfluxDB`! `$measurement` is the name of the thing you want to count. `$value` or `\%values` is the value you want to count. Not all databases can handle multiple values. In this case it should be the job of the Adapter to convert the hashref of values into something the storage backend can handle. `\%tags` is a hashref of further tags. InfluxDB uses them, not sure about other systems. `$timestamp` is the time of the measurement. In general you should not pass a timestamp and instead let the Adapter figure out the current time and format it in a way the backend can understand. But if you want to record stats for past (or future?) events, you will need to pass in the timestamp in the correct format (or hope that the Adapter will convert it for you). # CONSUMING STATS (FOR APPLICATIONS) `Application` here means the script running your modules. Could be a daemon, a cron-job, a command line script, whatever. In this script you will have to define what to do with stats generated in your modules. You could throw them away (by using `Measure::Everything::Adapter::Null`), which is the default. Or you define an adapter, that will handle the data passed via `write`. use Measure::Everything::Adapter; Measure::Everything::Adapter->set('InfluxDB::File', file => '/tmp/my_app.stats'); # TODO - tests - docs - Measure::Everything::Adapter::Memory - Measure::Everything::Adapter::Test - more InfluxDB Adapters: Direct, ZeroMQ, UDP, .. - move Measure::Everything::Adapter::InfluxDB::\* into seperate distribution(s) # SEE ALSO The basic concept is stolen from <Log::Any|https://metacpan.org/pod/Log::Any>. If you have troubles understanding this set of modules, please read the excellent Log::Any docs, and substitue "logging" with "writing stats". For more information on measuring & stats, and the obvious inspiration for this module's name, read the interesting article [Measure Anything, Measure Everything](https://codeascraft.com/2011/02/15/measure-anything-measure-everything/) by Ian Malpass from [Etsy](http://etsy.com/). # THANKS Thanks to - [validad.com](http://www.validad.com/) for funding the development of this code. # AUTHOR Thomas Klausner <domm@plix.at> # COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE This software is copyright (c) 2015 - 2021 by Thomas Klausner. This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.