I18N-Charset Distribution This distribution contains a module I18N::Charset which maps Character Set names to the names officially registered with IANA. For example, 'Shift_JIS' is the official name of what is often referred to in HTML headers as 'x-sjis'. It also maps character set names to Unicode::Map, Unicode::Map8, and Unicode::MapUTF8 conversion scheme names (if those modules are installed). For example, the Unicode::Map8 scheme name for 'windows-1251' is 'cp1251'. It also maps character set names to their preferred MIME names. For example, the preferred MIME name for 'ISO_646.irv:1991' is 'US-ASCII'. It also maps character set names to conversion scheme names as defined by the iconv library. For example, the iconv conversion scheme name for 'Shift_JIS' is 'MS_KANJI'. It also maps character set names to encoding names as defined by the Encode module. For example, the Encode encoding name for 'Shift_JIS' is 'shiftjis'. To install these modules, you should just have to run the following: % perl Makefile.PL % make test % make install (If you're on a Windows system, you probably use Nmake instead of make.) The module is documented using pod. When you "make install", you will get a man page I18N::Charset which can be displayed by "perldoc I18N::Charset". Please let me know if you experience any problems with this module, or have any ideas for additions, or if you have some new character set names or abbreviations you'd like to be included. Martin Thurn, <mthurn@cpan.org>, L<http://tinyurl.com/nn67z>.