README for Module::Depends 0.10 =head1 NAME Module::Depends - identify the dependencies of a distribution =head1 SYNOPSIS use YAML; use Module::Depends; my $deps = Module::Depends->new->dist_dir( '.' )->find_modules; print "Our dependencies:\n", Dump $deps->requires; =head1 DEPENDENCIES This module has external dependencies on the following modules: Class::Accessor::Chained File::Spec File::chdir YAML =head1 INSTALLATION perl Build.PL perl Build test and if all goes well perl Build install =head1 HISTORY What changed over the last 3 revisions =over =item 0.10 Thursday 2nd June, 2005 Ship the file for the test suite. Doh. =item 0.09 Thursday 2nd June, 2005 Dummy out that pesky inc::Module::Install =item 0.08 Thursday 21st April, 2005 Make use of Cwd::realpath to normalise paths with relative components in them. (Tom Insam) =back =head1 AUTHOR Richard Clamp, based on code extracted from the Fotango build system originally by James Duncan and Arthur Bergman. =head1 COPYRIGHT Copyright 2004 Fotango. All Rights Reserved. This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. =head1 SEE ALSO L<Module::Depends::Intrusive>